Directory of Women Philosophers

You can find the entire list here: Complete Directory

The Directory gives an overview of women philosophers and scientists from approx. 2300 BCE to the 21st century. Currently, there are more than 280 names of women philosophers listed and the entries will be periodically updated with biographical information and sources for further research. The entry on each philosopher shows detailed biographical information as well as an extensive list of primary and secondary sources, including texts, online sources and video material. Important quotes as well as links to key concepts by the philosophers in the ECC are also available. The Directory is still in development and entries are being updated continuously. Below are the 73 entries about women philosophers that the Center is currently redesigning, creating and expanding the content of. The list will expand continuously. You can still view the entire Directory on women philosophers and scientists and access all entries and concepts as usual.

“If anyone is so dull  as to imagine masculinity or femininity in God such a person shows in plain light that he is just as bad a philosopher as he is a theologician”

Marie le Jars de Gournay 1565-1645

One is not born a woman, but rather becomes one

Simone de Beauvoir, The Sexond Sex (1949)

“The history of women philosophers thus stretches back as far as the history of philosophy itself.”

Ruth E. Hagengruber
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