History of Women Philosophers at World Congress of Philosophy

Athens , Greece

We encourage you to send papers concerning the history of women philosophers to Section 29, 'Philosophical Approaches to Gender', which is co-chaired by Herta Nagl-Docekal. Deadline: March 1, 2013; papers should not exceed 6 pages in length

Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology

Paderborn University Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany

Contrary to many movements in the history of philosophy, the “Phenomenological Movement” has from its beginnings included numerous female philosophers. They contributed substantially to the phenomenological project by developing outstanding philosophical accounts and addressing problems, which remain relevant until today. Phenomenology’s exceptionally modern outlook, not to let oneself be influenced by traditional authorities, but rather […]

Émilie Du Châtelet Session

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Welfengarten 1, Hanover, Germany

The Center "History of Women Philosophers and Scientists" at the Human Sciences Department of the Paderborn University (Germany) invites to the Émilie Du Châtelet Section at the X. International Leibniz Congress in Hanover. The French philosophe Émilie Du Châtelet has emerged in the last few decades as a prominent figure of the European Enlightenment. More […]

Époque Émilienne – Philosophy and Science 1700-1750

L-Building, Uni-Campus Warburgerstr. 100, Paderborn, Germany

The third international and interdisciplinary conference Époque Émilienne - Philosophie und Wissenschaft 1700-1750, in honor of the French philosopher and scientist Émilie Du Châtelet, is organized by Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber and Dr. Andrea Reichenberger (Paderborn University, Germany) of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, in cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft […]


Changing the Nature of Art and Science – Intersections with Maria Sibylla Merian

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) Mauritskade 63, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) is one of the more intriguing figures of scientific, artistic and commercial culture of the early modern period. Born in Frankfurt, and later based in Nuremberg, Wieuwerd and Amsterdam, her scientific interest in entomology eventually led her to Surinam, where, as in Europe, she studied the metamorphoses of insects in their […]

40€ – 100€

Applications & Implications – Ethics and Metaphysics in Edith Stein’s Philosophy

University of Portland 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR, United States

The Fourth Bi-Annual International Conference: Applications & Implications - Ethics and Metaphysics in Edith Stein’s Philosophy will be presented by the International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein, in collaboration with the University of Portland (USA), and the McNerney-Hanson Endowed Chair in Ethics. Speakers: Sarah Borden Sharkey (Wheaton College), Michael F. […]


Women, Authorship, and Identity in the Long Eighteenth Century – New Methodologies

Taylorian Institution and Radcliffe Humanities Building/ University of Oxford OX1 3BD, Oxford, United Kingdom

The Conference "Women, Authorship, and Identity in the Long Eighteenth Century: New Methodologies" presented by the University of Oxford, will take place at June 17th, 2017. The keynote will be delivered by Prof. Susanne Kord. Keynote Speaker: Professor Susanne Kord (Chair of German, University College London) We are delighted to invite proposals for papers offering […]


24th International Conference of the Simone de Beauvoir Society

University of Haifa 199 Aba Khoushy Ave., Haifa, Israel

The University of Haifa (Israel) is pleased to host the 24th International Conference of the Simone de Beauvoir Society "Simone de Beauvoir’s Feminism(s)". Keynote speakers are Prof. Bauer, Prof. Bergoffen and Prof. Weiss. The influence of Simone de Beauvoir’s thought on Feminism and Feminist Theory is indisputable. Beauvoir’s The Second Sex is unanimously recognized as […]


Giving Life to Politics – The Work of Adriana Cavarero

City Centre Campus Edward Street, Brighton, United Kingdom

This three-day conference is a sustained engagement with, and celebration of, the life work of Italian feminist philosopher Adriana Cavarero. It also marks the publication of her most recent text "Inclinations: A Critique od Rectitude" (Stanford University Press, 2016). Keynote speakers: Judith Butler University of California, Berkeley Adriana Cavarero Università degli Studi di Verona Bonnie […]

100£ – 200£

Fourth Annual Conference by Women in Philosophy

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam, Netherlands

For the fourth year in a row, the Conference by Women in Philosophy will be held in Amsterdam. This year’s conference will take place on Monday July 3rd, 2017 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The goal of the conference is to provide a platform for undergraduate and graduate women philosophers to present their work to […]

Feminist Philosophy – Feminism, Phenomenology, and Genealogy

Keynote speakers: Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Iceland, specializing in feminist philosophy, the philosophy of Nietzsche, and the philosophy of nature and embodiment. Cecilia Malmström Olsson, PhD at Lund University in Literature, with special focus on Dance Studies. Malmström Olsson specializes in dance and aesthetics, as well as dance and politics […]

80€ – 550€

Ethics and Law

Bad Boll , Germany

Careful reflection on the relation of ethics to law – and vice versa – is essential.  Ethics is indispensable for law because the law can only be just insofar as it takes up ethical standards. Likewise, it is for moral reasons that ethics demands that political institutions establish, implement, and apply legal claims that are […]

Crises of Democracy: Thinking in Dark Times

Olin Concert Hall 35 Henderson Cir Dr, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY, United States

We are witness here and around the world to a worldwide rebellion against liberal and representative democracy. In Hungary, Russia, Turkey, France, Austria, and across Europe, right and left wing parties flirt with authoritarian rule. In the United States, President Donald Trump explicitly channels the demagogic voice of the self-described disenfranchised. Democratic governments everywhere are […]


Frauen und Mathematik

The study group „Frauen und Mathematik (Women and Mathematics)“ in the „Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (Society for the Didactics of Mathematics)“ invites interested parties, especially researchers, teachers, teacher-trainees, and students to this autumn's conference.

10€ – 20€

Women in Early Modern Philosophy

Linderaman Library 15 University Drive, Bethlehem, PA, United States

The Lehigh University Philosophy Department welcomes abstracts concerning any aspect of the philosophical work of - or about - women during the Early Modern Period. The proposals can be related to any field of philosophy - from metaphysics and epistemology to ethics, aesthetics, political theory, and philosophy of religion. The organizers are interested in both, proposals that are primarily historical […]

50$ – 100$

Women Intellectuals in 18th Century Germany

Western University London, Ontario , Canada

Women Intellectuals in 18th Century Germany will bring together an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars with the principal aim of detailing the rich philosophical contributions by German women intellectuals in this period. The conference will feature presentations by a variety of experts in the history of 18th century German philosophy, language, and culture, drawn […]

Constructing the Equality of the Sexes in 17th Century France

University College Dublin Stillorgan Rd, Belfield, Dublin 4, Dublin, Ireland

The aim of this conference is to examine the ways in which an equality between the sexes is constructed, conceptualized, envisaged, imagined, dramatized, realized or dismissed in seventeenth-century France. Keynote speakers : Siep Stuurman Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin   CfP: Please send 300-word abstracts in English or French by email directly to derval.conroyucd.ie by 14 July 2017.  

Towards a Phenomenology of Social Change

Vila Lanna V Sadech 1, Prague 6, Prague, Czech Republic

The phenomenology of sociality that currently attracts growing attention focuses on a systematic evaluation of the phenomenological approach to the area of social relations and interactions. Thanks to this initiative, we get the chance to rethink the significance and reach of phenomenological explorations of topics such as intersubjectivity, empathy, shared emotions, group intentions, collective agency, […]

Colloque International Émilie Du Châtelet

Centre des Archives diplomatiques du ministère des Affaires étrangères 3 rue Suzanne Masson, La Courneuve, France

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ÉMILIE DU CHÂTELET Paris, November 17th and 18th, 2017 Archives diplomatiques (La Courneuve) and Archives nationales (Paris) The Société Voltaire, Les Cahiers haut-marnais and the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (Paderborn University, Germany) co-organize an international conference on the works of the French Enlightenment philosopher Émilie Du Châtelet. Being […]

The Future of Europe – an Urgent Challenge to Global Philosophy

Room BR 3, Johannes Kepler University Linz Altenberger Straße 69, Linz, Austria

The aim of SWIP Austria is to bring into focus the importance of women working in academia and to promote their work in philosophy both inside and outside of the university setting. An organized association of women philosophers and feminist philosophers is especially important when set against the recent institutional background in Europe and more […]

Women in the History of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Psychology

Technologiepark 21 Universität Paderborn, Germany

Thursday, 23 November 13.00 – Welcome and Opening (Technologiepark 21. EG. Seminarraum) 13.30 – Ronny Miron (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) - “Down to a truer approximation of reality”: Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Critical Alternative to Idealistic Philosophy 14.30 – Íngrid Vendrell Ferran (Universität Jena) - Else Voigtländer's Theory of Emotions and Self-Feelings (Selbstgefühls) 15.30 – Coffee Break Paderborner Kolloquium […]

Culture of Exclusion? 5th Edition: Women

Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Krakow Gołębia 24, Kraków 31-007, Poland

In the fifth (and the first international) edition of our „Culture of Exclusion” conference program we want to examine the situation of women. On the one hand, women in Western societies have gained the rights to equality. However, a question about the actual implementation of these rights emerges. Is really the role of women equal […]

Bridging the Gender Gap Through Time: How Women Philosophers of the Past Contributed to Today’s Thought

King's College London The Strand, London, United Kingdom

Women have had a far deeper and more extensive influence on the history than is commonly realised. Far from confining their interests to questions of gender and domestic matters, women have been writing on all aspects of philosophy for as long as such a discipline can be identified. Indeed, it is often surprising just how […]

Was bin ich – als Mensch? Philosophische Anthropologie und ihre Synthese von Selbsterfahrung und Menschenkenntnis

"Nach einigen Jahrzehnten des Schlummers ist die philosophische Anthropologie wieder erwacht" schrieb Kurt Bayerz 2011 und er führt das neuerliche Nachdenken über den Menschen und seine Natur auf Fortschritte der modernen Biowissenschaften und die mit ihnen verbundenen praktischen Möglichkeiten der Biotechnologie zurück. Dabei ist die »philosophische Anthropologie« erst am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts auf den […]

Women Philosophers I: Science and the Natural World

Palm L, Hilton Buena Vista Palace 1900 E Buena Vista Drive, Orlando, FL, United States

ASECS 2018 - ANNUAL MEETING Section: Women Philosophers I: Science and the Natural World Chair: Julie Candler Hayes (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Gary Kelly (University of Alberta): “Philosophizing as a Woman” Margaret Caryle (University of Chicago): “Philosophizing in the Boudoir: Women and Scientific Amateurism in Eighteenth - Century Paris” Bryce Gessell (Duke University) and Andrew […]

60$ – 160$

The Third Annual MSU Denver Undergraduate Women’s Philosophy Conference

Metropolitan State University of Denver Student Success Building, 890 Auraria Pkwy, Denver, CO 80204, USA, Denver, CO, United States

The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for the presentation of philosophical work by female-identified undergraduates and encourage community-building amongst femaleidentified philosophers and their male-identified allies. The conference is open to all genders. Male-identified students can serve as commentators and session chairs. Call for Papers (deadline: Febuary 19, 2018)

Émilie Du Châtelet’s Foundations of Physics

McKenna Hall, Notre Dame Conference Center IN, United States

In 2009, Isabelle Bour and Judith P. Zinsser published a partial translation of Émilie Du Châtelet’s Foundations of Physics. Since 2014, faculty and students at the University of Notre Dame have worked to complete the translation (see www.kbrading.org/du-chatelet). This conference celebrates the completion of the project. The conference will feature talks, presentations, and discussions of the […]

Women in Philosophy: Past, Present and Future

University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

True it is, Spinning with the Fingers is more proper to our Sexe, then studying or writing Poetry, which is the Spinning with the braine: but I having no skill in the Art of the first (and if I had, I had no hopes of gaining so much as to make me a Garment to keep me from the cold) made me delight in the latter – Margaret Cavendish Though academic philosophy is still […]

Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618-1680) – Life and Legacy. Philosophy, Politics and Religion in Seventeenth Century Europe

Building Q, Paderborn University Warburgerstraße, Paderborn, NRW

Organizers: Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Sarah Hutton, Ruth Hagengruber   Confirmed Talks: Dr. Susanna Åkerman (Stockholm University) – “Descartes’ Competitors: Queen Christina and the Metaphysics of Light” Dr. Nadine Akkerman (Leiden University) – “Elisabeth of Bohemia’s Aristocratic Upbringing and Education at the Prinsenhof in Leiden, 1628-32” Prof. em. Lilli Alanen (Uppsala University) – “The Soul's Extension - Elisabeth's […]

Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy

Note that although this is a general Early Modern conference, 5 out of the 13 papers are about women philosophers! Correct me if I’m wrong, but this might be a first. Papers on Conway, Grouchy, Chatelet (2), and Avila. Thank you Chris Meyns and Andrea Sangiacomo for organizing this! Utrecht University, The Netherlands Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dutch-seminar-for-early-modern-philosophy-v-dsemp18-tickets-44126847589 […]

Horizons of Sexual Difference

Department of Philosophy, Brock University 1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way, St. Catharines, Canada

The Department of Philosophy, with the support of the Faculty of Humanities at Brock University, will host the 9th meeting of The Luce Irigaray Circle in a three-day interdisciplinary conference devoted to scholarship and creative work on, or inspired by, the thought of Luce Irigaray at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing […]

Intensive Seminar on Teaching New Narratives in Early Modern Philosophy

Burnaby, BC, CANADA Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

In this intensive weeklong seminar, we will work through a range of primary source materials by non-canonical authors, both women and men, to be included in a new teaching anthology (edited by Shapiro and Lascano) with an eye to interpreting texts, identifying philosophical themes within those texts, and devising creative ways to incorporate those texts […]

The XVIIth Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 30 Shuangqing Rd, Haidian Qu, Beijing, China

Founded in 1976, the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) is an organization committed to promoting discussion, interaction, and cooperation among women in philosophy worldwide. The IAPh’s XVIIth symposium will be held immediately preceding the World Congress of Philosophy taking place in Beijing, and proposes to celebrate women’s diverse historical and contemporary contributions to philosophy, […]

24th World Congress of Philosophy, Beijing

Peking University,Beijing , China

CENTER FOR THE HISTORY OF WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS: Invited Session 17 / 18 The World Congress of Philosophy is organized every five years by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP) in collaboration with one of its member societies, this year in cooperation with the Chinese Organizing Committee. The 24th World Congress will be held in […]

Philosophers, Goddesses and Principles – Women and the Female in Neoplatonism

Ruhr-Universität Bochum Beckmanns Hof, Bochum, Germany

The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for a broad discussion of women and the female in Neoplatonism in three main areas of interest: the historical status of Neoplatonic women in the real world, the status of women in Neoplatonic ethical and political theory and the understanding of women and femaleness in […]

The First Annual Conference of Society for Women in Philosophy Turkey

Bilkent University Üniversiteler Mh., Ankara (Çankaya), Turkey

The conference is organized by the Society for Women in Philosophy in Turkey (Swip-TR) with the support of Hypatia Diversity Grant and Bilkent University’s Department of Philosophy. The goal of the event is to create a forum for women in philosophy to meet and help each other. More specifically, we wish to foster exchanges between women philosophers studying or working […]

Strategies of Resistance

Room W-5215, University of Montreal

In response to the racist, sexist, nationalist, transphobic, nativist rhetoric and policy of the Trump White House, our conference theme this year is "Strategies of Resistance." Across the globe, individuals and communities are joining together to resist neo-liberalism, climate change, and global capital. They are practicing significant actions of solidarity and creatively imagining and prefiguring […]

Hannah Arendt: Challenges of Plurality

Paderborn University Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany

In her writings, Hannah Arendt strongly affirms the plurality of the world. From the very first moment, when she introduces the notion in The Human Condition, it becomes clear, that plurality is the cornerstone of condition humaine. For Arendt, plurality means that “men, not Man, live on the earth and inhabit the world”. This seemingly […]

SWIP Ireland Annual Conference

Dublin City University Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Dublin, Ireland

Keynote speakers: Charlotte Witt (University of New Hampshire, Durham) Registration Deadline: April 24, 2019, 9:00 am IST Further Informations Call for Papers (Deadline: February 28, 2019)

5th Bi-Annual International Conference: Edith Stein’s Itinerary: Phenomenology, Christian Philosophy, and Carmelite Spirituality

University of Cologne Albertus-Magnus-Platz, Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Keynote Speakers: Prof. Anneliese Meis Wörmer (Pontifical University of Chile in Santiago de Chile) and Prof. Andreas Speer (Universität zu Köln) Edith Stein’s (1891–1942) philosophical life followed an intellectual itinerary that started with the thought of Edmund Husserl and phenomenology; it then turned to Christian philosophy and, ultimately, to Carmelite spirituality. The International Association for the […]

Society for the Study of Women Philosophers

Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel 201 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

The Society for the Study of Women Philosophers invites proposals for its sessions at the annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association - Eastern Division Philadelphia. CFP SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 29, 2019

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