Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany
In her writings, Hannah Arendt strongly affirms the plurality of the world. From the very first moment, when she introduces the notion in The Human Condition, it becomes clear, that […]
Dublin City University
Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Dublin, Ireland
Keynote speakers: Charlotte Witt (University of New Hampshire, Durham) Registration Deadline: April 24, 2019, 9:00 am IST Further Informations Call for Papers (Deadline: February 28, 2019)
University of Cologne
Albertus-Magnus-Platz, Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Keynote Speakers: Prof. Anneliese Meis Wörmer (Pontifical University of Chile in Santiago de Chile) and Prof. Andreas Speer (Universität zu Köln) Edith Stein’s (1891–1942) philosophical life followed an intellectual itinerary that […]
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel
201 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
The Society for the Study of Women Philosophers invites proposals for its sessions at the annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association - Eastern Division Philadelphia. CFP SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April […]
Provisional program, February 2020 Thursday, March, 19 Morning Session. 9h-9h15 Welcome and opening remarks 9h15-10h05 Leo Catana (Copenhagen): Brucker on the Socratic School in his Historia critica philosophiae: Which Conversations […]
The Research Center for Women in Philosophy organizes a conference under the title: Women Philosophers in South-Eastern Europe – Past, Present and Future. The goal of the conference is to […]
Call for Papers: Inaugural Conference of the Society for the Study of Women in Phenomenology (SSWPH) The Society for the Study of Women in Phenomenology (SSWPH) announces its inaugural international […]
Der deutsche Akademikerinnenbund will mit der Initiative Frauen aus aller Frauen Länder gestalten die Zukunft Deutschlands in Deutschland tätige, aktive Akademikerinnen aus aller Frauen Länder mit seinem Netzwerk unterstützen. Ziel ist es, […]
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, NRW, Germany
Edith Stein attempted already in her doctorate to complement Husserl’s work on phenomenology by a painstaking analysis of empathy including its indispensable role in the constitution of the psycho-physical individual […]
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany
International Association of Women Philosophers Founded in Germany in 1976, the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) is an organization committed to promoting discussion, interaction, and cooperation among women in […]
Vendredi 8 octobre 2021 / Friday, Oct. 8, 2021 9h55 Mot de bienvenue / Welcome words 10h00 Aurélien Chukurian (Privat-docent, Université de Genève) La théologie comme présence invisible dans […]
Berneuchener Haus Kloster Kirchberg
Am Kirchberg 1, Sulz am Neckar, Germany
Eine Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit der Evangelischen Akademie Baden Autonomes Fahren, Smart Living, Haushalts- und Pflege- roboter, Operations- oder auch Sexroboter, neue Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten, neue Finanzwelten, neue Arbeitswelten: Industrie 4.0 […]
We are delighted to announce the first online NEW VOICES on Women in the History of Philosophy CONFERENCE on the 25th/26th of February 2022. More than 70 speakers will […]
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany
e are delighted to present our newly started DFG funded project which is dedicated to exploring all aspects of Émilie Du Châtelet’s important relationship to Leibniz and Wolff. Émilie Du […]
Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)
The Research Center for Women in Philosophy (CIŽUF) at the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb is proud to invite you to the conference Collecting the Heritage: South-East European Women Philosophers […]
Building O, Paderborn Universit
Pohlweg 51, Paderborn, NRW, Germany
Recent events have shown that it is urgent and fundamentally important to shed new light, through philosophical, linguistic, literary, scientific, medical and artistic perspectives, on the female body and the […]
Online Conference Programme (in progress) 14-20h 13:45– 14:00 Accreditation14:00 – 14:15 Dr. Clara Mavellia – Cultural Entrepreneurship Institute, Berlin (Germany)14:15 – 14:30 Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber – Director of the […]
On August 24, Ruth E. Hagengruber (Paderborn University), Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (University of Copenhagen), and Sophia Connell (Birkbeck University of London) will offer a symposium on "Expanding the Canon". The Invited […]
On September 12th, at 16h30, Dr. Jil Muller will give a keynote talk on Marie de Gournay: The Philosopher Slandered by a Patriarchal Society, at the 6th FINO Graduate Conference […]
L3.204, Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany
Where: University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany When: October 27th-28th, 2023 Type of Conference: Hybrid The conference is organized by Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko, Director of the Center for Gender Education of National […]
International Online Conference Émilie Du Châtelet’s Scientific Methodology: Hypotheses and the Principles of Knowledge 23rd/24th of May 2024 Organized by Clara Carus, Head of the DFG-Research Project :The Relationship between […]
FRAUEN. DENKEN. EUROPA. Die Veranstaltung findet statt unter der Schirmherrschaft der UN Women Deutschland. Diese Veranstaltung wird freundlicherweise von der Verbund Volksbank OWL und der Hochschulallianz COLOURS unterstützt. Programm 28. […]
On Monday, 23.09.2024 at 12.30-13.15, PHIL 201, the Center Team will present the Digital Projects of the Center, such as the Manuscripts work, the ECC, the Directory, the Philosophy goes […]
Dear members of the working group, dear members of the IAPH, dear interested Scholars, I would like to cordially invite you to the activities planned by the Working Group on […]
Tuesday 24.09.2024, 18:00 – 19:00 Networking meeting of members and friends of the DGPhil AG Women in the History of Philosophy and the International Association of Philosophers (Room F)