The recent resurgence of interest in the history of the phenomenological movement has shown that these women were not marginal figures, but important contributors to the development of phenomenology. Researchers have also unearthed the names of other female students of Husserl, Th. Lipps, and Pfänder, whose relations to phenomenology deserve further consideration. A number of these women stand out, such as Erika Gothe and Margarete Ortmann (who studied in Göttingen), Margarete Calinich and Else Voigtländer (Munich), and Erica Sehl and Amelie Jaegerschmid (Freiburg).
Current research at the Center HWPS focuses on the unpublished writings of Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Gerda Walther. Our aim is to publish new, critical editions of some of their key texts, which will include relevant supplementary materials from their literary estates. We are also attempting to map the early phenomenological movement, looking at the place of women in this intellectual and social network.
Researchers interested in the activities of the CHWPS are encouraged to contact Daniel Neumann to arrange a visit to the Center.
Introduction video to the digital archive.
Materials availabe at the Center.
The Nachlass (ˈnaːxlas; literary estate) of Hedwig Conrad-Martius is held by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) in Munich, and catalogued under the signature Conrad-Martiusiana. It is comprised of 47 large and 8 smaller boxes of manuscripts, lecture notes, photographs, correspondence, etc., as well as her personal philosophical library.
A complete description (in German) of Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ literary estate can be found in Eberhard Avé-Lallemant’s Die Nachlässe der Münchener Phänomenologen in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek (1975), which you can access online here.
The Nachlass of Gerda Walther is divided between the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) in Munich (signature Ana 317) and the Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene (IGPP) in Freiburg. Ana 317 is comprised of 130 large boxes and 20 additional folders. The collection at the IGPP contains a small portion of Walther’s personal correspondence.
The Nachlass of Edith Stein is kept at the Edith-Stein-Archiv, Karmel Maria vom Frieden, in Cologne (ESAK). Between 2005 and 2007, the manuscripts of Stein (approximately 25,000 pages) were digitized, stored on microfilms, and catalogued in an electronic database. Some of the scans can be viewed here.
Further information about the archive materials at the Center can be found on the profile pages of Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Edith Stein and Gerda Walther.
September 22, 2022 Workshop “The Phenomenon of Reality”
May 20-21, 2021 Conference “Stein’s and Husserl’s Intertwined Itineraries 1916-25”
July 31 2018 Lecture by Antonio Calcagno – “Self and Subjectivity in Edith Stein”
October 10 2017 Colloquium “Women in Early Phenomenology”
July 23-28, 2017 Summer School “Women Phenomenologists of the Early 20th Century”
July 11 2017 Colloquium “Anthropology and Metaphysics in the Munich and Freiburg Circles”
February 11-12 2016 Conference “Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology”
Springer Book Series “Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences”
DeGruyter Book Series “Women Philosophers Heritage Collection” (forthcoming)
Tuesdays 10 am -12 am
and by appointment.
Further information about the archive materials at the Center can be found on the profile pages of Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Edith Stein and Gerda Walther.
All interested parties are welcome.
Talks given at the Conference “Stein’s and Husserl’s Intertwined Itineraries 1916-25” (2021):
Conversations with Diotima:
Philosophy goes MOOC:
Video Series: “Einführung in die phänomenologische Bewegung” by Julia Mühl-Sawatzi (in German) – Part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
“Edith Stein (1891-1942)”. Online Teaching. Antonio Calcagno (2018)
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