Our Team
Clara Carus
Research Fellow - DFG Project: The Relationship of the Theory of Hypotheses to the Principles of Knowledge in Émilie Du Châtelet

Dr. Clara Carus joined the Center in November 2020 and is working in particular on Émilie du Châtelet and the juncture between Early Modern and Modern Philosophy, which includes Descartes, Leibniz, Wolff and Kant. Currently she is research fellow in the DFG-Project:
The Relationship of the Theory of Hypotheses to the Principles of Knowledge in Émilie Du Châtelet.

Samu Richter
Student Assistant

Samu Richter is a student assistant at the Center for the “History of Women Philosophers and Scientists”.

Elina Rohleder
Student Assistant

Elina Rohleder is a student assistant at the Center for the “History of Women Philosophers and Scientists”.

Katarina Peixoto
Associated Researcher

Dr Katarina Peixoto is a post-doctoral fellow at the Philosophy Department of the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), where she focuses on the Port-Royal Logic’s theory of representation. Additionally, she is the Organizer of the International Conference “Women in Modern Philosophy” in Rio de Janeiro with her colleague Dr Pedro Pricladnitzky.

Edgar Marques
Associated Researcher

Professor Edgar Marques is a professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. His research areas are the philosophy of linguistics, metaphysics and the works of Leibniz and Wittgenstein.

Emily J. Meier

Emily Jayne Meier was a student assistant, aiding the Center “History of Women Philosophers and Scientists” with English translations, from September 2016 to March 2018.

Iulia Mihai

Iulia Mihai was a research associate in the Center from January 2017 to January 2018. Her research focuses on Women Philosophers and Scientists in the 18th Century.

Elena Muceni

Elena Muceni was a post-doc in the Center's project Emilie Du Châtelet St. Petersburg Manuscripts, with a focus on Du Châtelet`s Mandeville commentary, from September 2017 to January 2018.

Dominik Müller

Dominik Müller was a student assistant at the Center for the “History of Women Philosophers and Scientists” from 2017 to 2019.

Rodney Parker

Rodney Parker was a post-doc in the Center’s project on Women in Early Phenomenology. He is a specialist on the history of the phenomenological movement. He was Research Coordinator at the Center from August to December 2018.

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