Dorothy Rogers – “American Women Philosophers”

L-Building, Uni-Campus Warburgerstr. 100, Paderborn

Location: L2.202 , Paderborn University Dorothy Rogers is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Religion at Montclair State University  (Montclair, New Jersey). She is also the coordinator of MSU's program […]

Du Châtelet between Leibniz and Kant: The Eberhard-Kant Controversy

L-Building, Uni-Campus Warburgerstr. 100, Paderborn

Lecturers: Hartmut Hecht, Ruth Hagengruber, Andrea Reichenberger and Dieter Suisky Location: L1.202 , Paderborn University After the study of space and time in “Du Châtelet Between Leibniz and Newton” we are […]

Self and Subjectivity in Edith Stein and Hedwig Conrad-Martius

L-Building, Uni-Campus Warburgerstr. 100, Paderborn

Lecturers: Ronny Miron, Antonio Calcagno, Rodney Parker Location: L2.202, Paderborn University Discussions of the self and subjectivity are a commonplace in phenomenological writings. The elaboration of the I as the focal […]

American Women Philosophers

L-Building, Uni-Campus Warburgerstr. 100, Paderborn

Lecturers: Mary Ellen Waithe and Dorothy Rogers Location: L2.201, Paderborn University This course explores the ideas of two women in the early idealist philosophical movement in the United States: Marietta Kies […]

Women in Communism

L-Building, Uni-Campus Warburgerstr. 100, Paderborn

Lecturers: Luka Borsic, Ivana Skuhala Karasman Location: L3.204, Paderborn University Socialist Feminism professes that a complete emancipation of women is achieved through the abolition of economic and cultural sources of women's […]

Women’s World Today: War, Violence, and Escape

L-Building, Uni-Campus Warburgerstr. 100, Paderborn

Lecturer: Maria von Welser Location: L1.201, Paderborn University Guest Speakers: Nahid Shahalimi, Lea Ackermann, Berta Travieso, Godula Kosack Research was carried out in Afghanistan, India, Eastern Congo, and in international refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon, […]

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