Review of the Conference in Varanasi: Indian Women Philosophers and Thinkers

Review of the Varanasi conference in December

From December 4 to 6, 2024, the international conference “Tracing Modes of Gendered Thinking: Ideation and Philosophy from the Global South” took place at Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi. The event was organized by Banaras Hindu University, the Indian Council of Social Science Research, and the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists. The three-day event aimed to explore gendered thinking with a special focus on perspectives from the Global South.

More about the conference can be found here.



Journal History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Collaboration with Priyanka Jha: Journal of the History of Women Philosphers and Scientists Volume 3 Issue 2

Another key outcome of this conference was the strengthened collaboration with our Indian partner, Priyana Jha. Together with Bindu K. C., she edited the special issue Life as Text: Women’s Intellectual Histories from India (Brill Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, December 2024). This issue brings to the forefront the often-marginalized voices of female intellectuals from India. The editors advocate for a feminist reinterpretation of knowledge history and challenge the epistemic injustice that has systematically excluded women from philosophy and academia.

Here is the link to the Brill issue: Life as Text: Women’s Intellectual Histories from India

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