Call for Intereferences – Act up/Building up: EcoTechGender Action Group

Preliminary Program & Call for Participation

On November 15, 2024 the EcoTechGender Project will host the online workshop Call for Intereferences - Act up/Building up: EcoTechGender Action Group to present and discuss current ideas and concepts on EcoTechGender by various young scholars. The Preliminary Program is now available - The Call for Participation opened!

November 15, 2024 – Online Workshop

Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University

Organisers: Ruth E. Hagengruber & Felix Grewe


In this winter term the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists will host the workshop Call for Interferences – Act up/Building up: EcoTechGender Action Group an event of the research and teaching project EcoTechGender. The aim of the workshop is to present different perspectives on EcoTechGender from young scholars from different academic disciplines to show the interferences of humanities, social sciences, science and technology studies, medicine and computer science. The workshop will be introduced by our Keynoter Kateryna Karpenko, Director of the Center for Gender Studies at Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine. Afterwards, we will have the opportunity to follow and listen to several different PhD students from STEM fields, STS-Studies, medicine, gender studies and philosophy, who will present their views and ideas on EcoTechGender.

Everybody is welcome to attend. The Call for Participation is now open. If you want to participate please register here.

See here the preliminary program (Changes are still possible):

Time Speaker / Affiliation Talk
9:15 Prof. Dr. Ruth E. Hagengruber & Felix Grewe, EcoTechGender/Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University


9:30 Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko, Director of the Center for Gender Studies, Kharkiv National Medical University KEYNOTE: The advantages and disadvantages of cyberfeminism
10:30 Felix Grewe, EcoTechGender/Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University Donna Haraway: On the re-definition of boundaries of sex, gender and bio-mechanical species
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Marie Kukuczka, Stephanie Feilitzsch, Jutta Eckhardt, Büro der Gleichstellungs- und Frauenbeauftragten der TU Dresden in Kooperation mit ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig


Dialog & Intervention – Ausflüge in die Wissenschaftskultur der Künstlichen Intelligenz“
12:15 Bohdan Khilchevskyi, Surgery at Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv National Medical University


Application of Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis and Prognosis in Oncology Patients: A Bioethical Perspective.”
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Violeta Milicevic, Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Paderborn University


Notions of AI  Ethics: Fairness, Accountability, Transparency
14:45 Ralf Mitschke, Friedrich-Alexander-University Nürnberg-Erlangen Man-made machines and the patriarchal desire
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 Denys Honchar, Surgery at Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv National Medical University Gender Aspects in Surgery: The Role of Women in Modern Surgical Practice and Career Challenges
16:30 Urszula Szewczyk, Doctoral School University of Bialystok Science as a Tool in a Meritocratic Narrative Used to Dismiss Voices of Populist Opposition
17:15 Shevel Dariia, Department of Pediatrics No. 1 and Neonatology, Kharkiv National Medical University Medicine and ecology
18:00 Final Remarks


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