
Visiting Scholars

Antonio Calcagno

Antonio Calcagno is working at King’s University College on questions of community and intersubjectivity, statehood, interiority, consciousness, humanism and post-humanism. Along with Dr. Lofts, he is the Co-Director of the Centre for Advanced Research in European Philosophy (CAREP). His present research focuses on interiority.

Katharine Goodman

Katharine Goodman is Professor Emerita at Brown University. Her field of expertise is women’s literature in Germany, primarily that of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Currently she focuses on the life and work of Luise Gottsched and the life of Charlotte Sophie Countess Bentinck. As a renowned expert on Luise Gottsched, she took over the Luise Gottsched project for the Center in late 2018.

Karen Green

Karen Green is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on women’s intellectual history, particularly their political writings, as well as philosophy of language and logic. She visited the Center in July 2017 and again in October 2018, when she held a master class on Catharine Trotter Cockburn and Catharine Macaulay.

Sarah Hutton

Sarah Hutton is Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of York. Hutton is an expert on the history of early modern philosophy, especially seventeenth-century British philosophy. She was Visiting Professor at Paderborn University in October 2014, offering a master class on Anne Conway, and visited the Center again in January 2018 as a co-organizer of the Elisabeth of Bohemia conference and award committee member of the first Elisabeth of Bohemia and Herford Prize.

Mette Lebech

Mette Lebech is Assistant Professor at Maynooth University, Dublin. Her research focuses on metaphysical phenomenology, in particular the works of Edith Stein. From September 2019 until January 2020, Mette Lebech was a Visiting Professor at the Center and contributed to a workshop on Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Edith Stein and Gerda Walther.

Michelle Boulous Walker

Michelle Boulous Walker is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Queensland, Australia. Her research interests span the fields of European philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, and feminist philosophy. She offered a master class on Diotima at the Center in May 2018.

Iva Manova

Iva Manova is associate professor of philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) and at South-West University ‘Neofit Rilski’. Her research focuses on Renaissance and early modern philosophy, Catholic intellectual history and history of philosophical historiography. She is Fellow at the Center HWPS from June to July 2024.

Jeffrey McDonough

Jeffrey McDonough is professor of philosophy at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA). He is the director of the Harvard History of Philosophy Workshop. His research focuses on early modern philosophy, philosophy of science, and especially their intersections. Currently he is Fellow at the Center HWPS from August 2022 to July 2023.

Maria von Welser

Maria von Welser is a German TV journalist and the President of UNICEF Germany.

Judith P. Zinsser

Judith P. Zinsser is Professor Emerita at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Her research interests are European women’s and intellectual history. She visited the Center in July 2016 and gave a keynote talk for the Émilie Du Châtelet Section at the X. International Leibniz Congress in Hanover.

Kataryna Karpenko

Prof. Karpenko is Professor of Ethics and Gender at the Kharkiv Medical University, in Kharkiv, Ukraine and head of the Center for Gender Education. She specialized in Ecofeminism and explains to us today what Ecofeminism is about and what it has to contribute to environmental economics.

Luka Boršić

Is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb, Croatia. He is working on the history of women philosophers in south east Europe. He is an affiliated researcher to the Center HWPS and has been a lecturer at several of our conferences.

Ivana Skuhala Karasman

Is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb, Croatia. She is working on the history of Women Philosophers in south east Europe. She is also an affiliated researcher to the Center HWPS and has been a lecturer at several of our conferences.

Ronny Miron

Ronny Miron is a Professor of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel. She is working on women phenomenologists. Together with Antonio Calcagno and Rodney Parker, she held lectures on phenomenology at the Libori Summer Schools in 2017, 2018
and 2019.

Núria Sara Miras Boronat

Núria Sara Miras Boronat is an Associate Professor in Moral and Political Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. She has published several essays on play, feminism and pragmatism in Catalan, Spanish, English, German and Italian. Her current research project is a conceptual history of injustice, oppression and other forms of social exclusion from a pragmatist and feminist perspective. She visited the Center in October 2021 and January 2022.

Valentina Gaudiano

is a Associate Professor at the Philosophy department of Sophia University, Italy. Her research is focused on the body and specifically on the relationship between masculine and feminine starting from Edith Stein and the phenomenological approach in general – the difference between living body and material body/ Leib und Koerper – , dialoguing with Luce Irigaray and the Gender Theories. Another point of interest in my work is the relationship between philosophy and theology from a Trinitarian ontology perspective. She has been a visiting scholar and research fellow from April to July 2021 at the Center HWPS.


Haneen Alhaj Mohammad

Haneen Alhaj Mohammad

Haneen Alhaj Mohammad is a PhD student at the Department of Political Science at at Mutah University, Amman, Jordan, and  was a trainee at the Center in July and August 2019. She researched the role of women in family and society with particular focus on Harriet Taylor Mill and participated in the Libori Summer School 2019.

Angelos Stratis

Angelos Stratis

Angelos Stratis was the first trainee at the Center from April until June 2019. He studied European Studies at Hellenic Open University and completed his Erasmus internship at the Center. He worked on the Directory of Women Philosophers and collected data on ancient Greek women philosophers, more particular on Hypatia of Alexandria, Macrina, and Aspasia of Miletus.

Valentina Riolo

Valentina Riolo (Crotone, Italy, 1995) was a trainee at the Center from February until April 2021. She worked on the ECC (in particular on Hannah Arendt) and the Directory of Women Philosophers (in particular on Italian women philosophers). She completed her Master’s degree in Philosophy at Roma Tre University (Italy) with a thesis entitled “Critica della misura neoliberale e nuove prospettive. Contro l’economia dei comportamenti” (“Critique of neoliberal measures and new perspectives. Against an economy of behavior”), after studying on the Erasmus Program in Berlin (Freie Universität) and in Paris (Université Paris Sorbonne). Her field of interest is political philosophy, with particular attention given to the contemporary period. Her current studies are focused on precarity and social justice, departing from a feminist approach. She has been collaborating with IAPh Italia (International Association of Philosophers) since 2015 and is attending and collaborating with the Master “Studi e politiche di genere” program at Roma Tre University.

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