WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH – Culture & Religion

A history in half.

We need the legacy of women philosophers.



„Women’s thought in modern India was diverse and constituted by voices from different parts of the country. This diversity was religious, regional, and ideological. […] These questions and concerns were mediated by power dynamics, as these were deep normative and political questions about the nature of women as right-embodying beings and citizens.“


Priyanka Jha 2022, Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists 1 (2022), pp. 53 & 56. Priyanka Jha’s area of work and research lies in the intersectionality of political theory, intellectual history of ideas and southeastern asian women philosophers.



Since the ancient scriptures, Asian women philosophers have contributed to fundamental thinking in philosophy, and yet they are often unnoticed by society, even though they have significantly marked the tradition of cultural and religious studies. The Conference Women and their body will offer space for 6 interesting talks in the Session Culture and Religion on the 16th of March:

Gaganjot Kaur: The Challenge of Menstrual Shame in South-Asian Cultures: A Phenomenological Study (14.30); Ayegboyin Abimbola, A Comparative Study of Women’s Body as Ritual Containment in African Indigenous Churches and African Indigenous Religion in South-Western Nigeria (15.00); Natalia Anna Michna, Tenderness towards the body as a cognitive, ethical and aesthetic imperative (15.45); Shadi Heidarifar, The Politics of Embodiment, Intersectionality, and Recognition (16.15); Susan Stark, The Reproduction of Power Imbalances: a holistic, abolitionist approach to social injustice (16.45); and Robin Wang, Body as a Miniature of Cosmos: Female Daoist Embodied Thinking (17.30).

More information about the conference and the program can be found here.

If you want to register for the conference, please click on this link: https://indico.uni-paderborn.de/event/21/


Interest aroused? More information about asian female philosophers and scientists can be found in our Directory. It gives an overview of women philosophers and scientists from approx. 2300 BCE to the 21st century. Currently, there are more than 280 names of women philosophers listed and the entries will be periodically updated with biographical information and sources for further research.

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