Ruth E Hagengruber Philosophinnen der Ökonomie

What influence did and do women philosophers have on the design of economic processes and economic thinking?

“We have been educated in and are used to cultural adjacencies within which women do not have the same dominant roles and functions as men have. Although the societies in this world are quite varied, they all have in common that women are generally subordinated in most public institutions, albeit to different degrees.”
“The market is dependent on provisioning activities which are not part of itself. These are gendered social activities, performed mostly in favor of the male of the house and performed by the females.“
Interview von Melanie Vogel, Initiatorin der europäischen Leitmesse women & work 
im Interview mit Ruth E Hagengruber über Philosophinnen der Ökonomie. Frauen im wirtschaftlichen Diskurs gestern und heute.

Ruth E. Hagengruber on  the influence of women philosophers on economics at the first women & work science talk


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