Sharing a Realistic Future. Gerda Walther on Sociality

Read here Daniel Neumanns article on Gerda Walther in "Thinking Togetherness. Phenomenology and Sociality"


The recently published volume “Thinking Togetherness. Phenomenology and Sociality“, edited by Andrej Božič, features an article on Gerda Walther by Daniel Neumann.

Sharing a Realistic Future. Gerda Walther on Sociality

Abstract: Gerda Walther’s approach to sociality is unique in that it equally employs psychological and phenomenological concepts to conceive of collective experiences, thereby addressing manifold forms of togetherness. My intention is twofold. Firstly, I want to discuss how Walther embeds Husserl’s “pure I” of intentional analysis in an “empirical I” with habitual dispositions and memories, such that social experiences are not merely the correlates of consciousness, but arise out of a concrete psychological history in which our past emotional engagements with others are already implicated. Secondly, I will reinterpret Husserl’s concept of protention in the context of Walther’s approach to the communal. This allows for an idea of futurity which is not based on the immanence of conscious experience, but on our explicit or habitual relationships with others, meaning that we cannot but include them in our approach to the future.

Link to the article.

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