On May 9, 2023 Ruth E. Hagengruber and Jil Muller represent the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists at the Conference ‘Women and Sport in Europe: Past and Present’.
Hagengruber and Muller will both give presentations of 15 minutes each. Muller will reflect on the successful Women and their bodies conference she organized in March.
The event will focus on Women and Sport in Europe from
classical antiquity until today. There is scientific evidence
that the written production of the classical world has been
translated to reflect patriarchal tradition. This indicates a
need to rectify the humanist legacy and academic research.
The marble cippus on Ischia confirms this hypothesis that
we need to correct the ancient texts and many mystifying
values that have been handed down.
Together with Ischia Cultura, we want to start the journey
along this road. That is why we plan to involve committed
women and men, organizations and institutions willing to
work on gender justice in Germany, Italy, all over Europe
and beyond. Our approach is interdisciplinary, diachronic
and synchronic.
The conference is an event hosted by the Cultural Entrepreneurship Institute Berlin (Germany), founded by Clara Mavellia. It is organized by the CE Berlin in cooperation with Ischia Cultura and the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists
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