Ronny Miron: Hedwig Conrad-Martius. The Phenomenological Gateway to Reality (2nd edition)

We are please to announce the publication of the second edition of Ronny Miron’s book “Hedwig Conrad-Martius. The Phenomenological Gateway to Reality”. It is the first contribution to offer a comprehensive look at many of the key topics of Conrad-Martius’ early thinking such as the relationship between phenomenal and ontological modes of experience, her relationship to other phenomenological approaches and her unique metaphysical ideas. Among these the volume presents a realistic-phenomenological philosophy of Being and a realistic-phenomenological philosophy of the “I”.

Next to the essays included in the first edition are new contributions looking at the relationship between Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Martin Heidegger. The book also contains an extensive biographical introduction to Hedwig Conrad-Martius that retraces the stages of her philosophical career and her place in the early and later phenomenological scenes in Germany. The volume will be of interest for anyone working on early phenomenology and the metaphysics of phenomenology. Ronny Miron has been full professor at Bar-Ilan University since 2016. She will be present for a roundtable discussion of her book at the workshop “Hedwig Conrad-Martius. Phenomenology, Ontology, Metaphysics“, a hybrid event on May 31st, 2024 hosted by the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists.

The book is part of the series “Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences” which is being published at Springer in association with the Center for the History of Women Philosohers and Scientists. Please also see further volumes of the series, such as “Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein: Philosophical Encounters and Divides“, edited by Antonio Calcagno and Ronny Miron.

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