Reminder: Open Day at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists


On 3 April 2025, the Center will open its doors from 2 to 6 at its new location: Technologiepark 8, 1st floor. We would like to provide insights into our work in a relaxed atmosphere and look forward to inspiring conversations. Registration is not required – just come along and be inspired!

  1. Find out more about our courses this summer semester that deal with the history of ideas of female philosophers.
  2. Discover our current research projects and events. Take a sneak peek into our event calendar!
  3. Get to know our research networks, cooperation partners and Erasmus opportunities.
  4. Browse one of the largest digital databases on female philosophers and our online encyclopaedia for your next  paper.


We are also happy to offer you the opportunity to complete an internship with us and actively participate in our projects.

Come and get to know the team at the Center.


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