New Voices Talk Series – Phenomenoloy and Metaphysics. Taieb

The Summer Term Talk Series, organised by  Daniel Neumann, Research Fellow at Paderborn University, is dedicated to Phenomenology and Metaphysics.

Everyone is welcome to attend. To register and to receive the zoom invitation, please send an email to

Here is the link for the whole program:

The next lecture in the series is on the 1st of June at 3 pm, with a talk by Hamid Taieb on “Conrad-Martius and Stein on Secondary Qualities”.

Abstract: In this paper, I will discuss the views of Conrad-Martius and Stein on secondary qualities. More precisely, I will address the question of the non-reducibility of these qualities. Both Conrad-Martius and Stein reject the thesis that sensory qualities such as colours, sounds, odors, and similar properties, are identical to physical entities studied by the natural sciences, such as light waves or other imperceptible entities. Their respective arguments are based on a similar strategy: they both argue that there are specific qualitative differences in every class of sensory qualities, whereas the attempts to describe these qualities in terms of imperceptible physical entities erase these qualitative differences in favour of mere quantitative differences. I will go through their arguments, which, in the case of Conrad-Martius, interestingly rely on views from Goethe. I will then ask what exactly Conrad-Martius and Stein defend, that is, whether their claims are merely about the unreducible nature of colours and others sensory qualities to imperceptible physical entities or whether they also defend realism, that is, that these qualities do exist in the world around us.

Other dates of the New Voices Summer Term Talk Series are: 22.6., 29.6.

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