Holiday Calendar – Directory & Sight & Sound

Making women philosophers and their achievements visible is the main concern of the Center. That is why we have created the Directory, in 2016, a project that profiles over 200 women philosophers, scientists and literary scientists, and features their biographies, published works, online and secondary sources for additional background.

To these entries we also link our Encyclopedia of Concise Concepts and our Sight and Sound page, that offers categorised videos, which you can find on YouTube.


How to use our different tools?

To give you an idea of how to research a female philosopher on our site, we have provided a step-by-step example using Émilie du Châtelet.

  1. Check out Émilie du Châtelets Directory page.
  2. Click through the cubes to discover the primary, and secondary sources.
  3. Explore our projects.
  4. Read the article on “Hypotheses” in our Encyclopedia of Concise Concepts.
  5. Take a look at the Cube Media or
  6. Go to the Sight and Sound page.
  7. Choose the category Philosophers.
  8. Click on ‘Émilie du Châtelet’.
  9. Pick a video that might fit the aspect you want to learn about.
  10. Go back to the Directory and look for according sources to deepen the acquired knowledge from the video.
  11. Find scholars that also work on Du Châtelet and get in touch with them.


Finally, stay tuned as we are preparing a new feature on du Châtelet for her birthday on 17 December.

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