Felix Grewe visits FAU Erlangen for Introduction in Science and Techdiplomacy

The kick-off event of the introductory course for Science- and Tech just ended this morning at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.

The kick-off event of the introductory course for Science- and Tech-Diplomacy at FAU Erlangen just ended this morning. The workshop is organised by the Chair for Science, Technology and Gender Studies at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg led by Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi and the Jean Monnet Chair on Technology and Science Diplomacy for European Sovereignty (TechDip) at Polytechnic University of Madrid led by Prof. Dr. Claudio Feijoo. As part of my doctoral thesis and research project on Donna Haraway, I am currently attending this exciting hybrid and semester-long course. The course is of particular interest to me to explore the combinaton of Donna Haraway’s theories and the urgent reorientation of science and the accompanying geopolitical demands placed on science, and hopefully get great and exciting research with the results of the workshop.

The three-day introductory workshop ended today after three great days with introductions by the organizers Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi and Prof. Dr. Claudio Feijoo, with a large roundtable and several discussions about the necessities for Science and Tech-Diplomacy. It is a pleasure for me to attend this exciting course during the next month. And I look forward to the exciting and flourishing exchange and discussions with all the great scientists I have met during the last days.

If you are interested in this course visit: https://www.stgs.fau.de/2023/04/25/call-for-papers-introduction-to-science-and-tech-diplomacy-the-new-geopolitics-of-technology/

For further information about myself visit my webpage.


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