Center Documentation 2016 -2019

We are happy to present to you our Documentation of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists. It is amazing to take a look back at our amazing projects and events. 

In 2016, the Center History of Women Philosophers and Scientists celebrated the official opening of the first international center of its kind. Our goal is to renew the academic discourse on the long-standing historical tradition of female philosophers. After an intense and successful start, we invite you to take a closer look at how the Center originated, what we achieved from 2016–2019, and which plans were set in motion during this period

It is a great collection of memories. It is an Illustration of the path to include women philosophers and scientists into the philosophical canon. 


We are grateful for and proud of the work that has been done, but we are also looking forward to future projects and continuing the discussion.

You can look through the whole documentation here.

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