Find Scholars - Gerda Walther

Anna Ezekiel – New Voices Member

Research: Lou Andreas-Salomé, Bettina Brentano-von Arnim, Hedwig Dohm, Karoline von Günderrode, Rosa Luxemburg , Edith Stein, Gerda Walther, Clara Zetkin

Affiliation: University of York (UK) & Parami University (Myanmar)

Julia Mühl-Sawatzki – New Voices Member

Research: Gerda Walther, Phenomenology, Social Ontology, Social Philosophy

Affiliation: PhD Candidate Paderborn University, Germany

Daniel Neumann – New Voices Member

Research: Early phenomenology, Wesenswissenschaft

Affiliation: University of Klagenfurt

Hamid Taieb – New Voices Member

Research: Early Phenomenology, Medieval Philosophy

Affiliation: Humboldt University Berlin

PD Dr. Ingrid Vendrell Ferran – New Voices Member

Research: Emotion, Empathy, Forms of Knowledge, Imagination

Affiliation: Goethe University Frankfurt

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