Space and Time: 18th-19th Century Women Philosophers and Scientists
Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists
Emanuele Costa - Pen and Paper, Not Needle and Spindle: Maria Gaetana Agnesi on Women's Equality
Künstliche Intelligenz – Heilsbringer oder Vernichter der Menschheit?
Berneuchener Haus Kloster Kirchberg, Germany
Sylvana Tomaselli - Wollstonecraft and Education as Exercise of Body and Mind
Clara Carus, Coordinator of the New Voices on The epistemic and ontological status of the principles of knowledge in Émilie du Châtelet
Katarina Peixoto - Émilie Du Châtelet against Innocence
The True, the Good and the Beautiful
German Society for Philosophy (DGPhil)
Nastassja Pugliese - Anne Conway on Imagination and Reason
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