DGPhil AG Frauen in der Geschichte der Philosophie – Workshop 08.11.2023

Paderborn University Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, NRW, Germany

13.15-13.30 Welcome 13.30-14.15 Marit Rullmann, M. A. Phil.: „Philosophinnen Porträts“ 14.15-14.30 Dr. Maria Robaszkiewicz (Universität Paderborn): „HannahArendt.net. Die Zeitschrift und ihre Geschichte“ 14.30-15.15 Anne Specht, M. Ed. (Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie […]

1000 Places in 1 World – Brazilian Women Philosophers


An intercontinental New Voices seminar. Hosted by the Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists. This online seminar, dedicated to 1000 Places in 1 World, is a collaboration […]

1000 Places in 1 World – Women in Philippine History


An intercontinental New Voices seminar. Hosted by the Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists. This online seminar, dedicated to 1000 Places in 1 World, is a collaboration […]

Research Colloquium – Research Group Émilie Du Châtelet

Paderborn University Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, NRW, Germany

Research Colloquium Summer Term 2024 This summer term the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists continued with its tradition of the Research Colloquium. Within this colloquium members […]

Workshop: Hedwig Conrad-Martius. Phenomenology, Ontology, Metaphysics

Technologiepark 21 Universität Paderborn, Germany

This workshop is occasioned by two recent publications on the early phenomenologist Hedwig-Conrad Martius. The first English translation of her early and seminal work Metaphysical Conversations, translated by Christina Gschwandtner, […]

Fachtagung Frauen. Denken. Europa

Hisorisches Rathaus Paderborn Rathausplatz 1, Paderborn

FRAUEN. DENKEN. EUROPA. Die Veranstaltung findet statt unter der Schirmherrschaft der UN Women Deutschland. Diese Veranstaltung wird freundlicherweise von der  Verbund Volksbank OWL und der Hochschulallianz COLOURS unterstützt. Programm 28. […]


Erweitertes Vorstandstreffen des Deutschen Akademikerinnenbundes

L3 204, L-Gebäude Universität Paderborn Pohlweg 57, Paderborn

Programm 29. Juni 2024 Sitzung des Erweiterten Vorstands des Deutschen Akademikerinnenbundes und Wahl der Kommissionen 9.30 Uhr: Eröffnung der Veranstaltung durch die Präsidentin des Deutschen Akademikerinnenbundes, Manuela Queitsch – Bericht […]


FISP: History of Philosophy and the Biopolitical Crisis

CU002 Giurisprudenza, Aula “Francesco Calasso” Rome

2. August 13.00-19.00, CU002 Giurisprudenza, Aula “Francesco Calasso”: Ruth Edith Hagengruber: Biopolitics: Erasing the Voices of Women Philosophers. The talk is part of an invited session hosted by Riccardo Pozzo. In the 1990s, […]

FISP: Adding Voices to the Philosophy Curriculum

CU001 Rettorato, Aula Organi Collegiali Rome

2. August 17.00-19.00, CU001 Rettorato, Aula Organi Collegiali: Ruth Edith Hagengruber: Adding Voices to the Philosophy Curriculum. The talk is part of an invited session hosted by Floris Velema. Teaching […]

FISP Invited Symposium: Women in the History of Philosophy


3. AUGUST 17.00-19.00, CAMPUS SAPIENZA, AULA MAGNA: SYMPOSIUM ON WOMEN IN THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Chair: Ruth Edith Hagengruber Thanks to the president of the FISP, Luca Scarantino, and his […]

FISP: Round Table – Non Western Women Philosophers

CU003 Lettera e Filosofia, Aula XII Rome

Round Table #1 Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists: Monday 5 August 2024, CU003 Lettera e Filosofia, Aula XII, Time: 17:00- 19:00 17:00 – 17.30 Krissah Marga Taganas (Philippines): […]

FISP: Round Table – Eco-, Health-Feminism

CU002 Giurisprudenza, Aula “Falcone e Borsellino” Rome

Round Table #2 Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists: Eco-, Health-Feminism Wednesday 07 August 13:00-15:00, CU002 Giurisprudenza, Aula “Falcone e Borsellino” 13:00-13:30 Kateryna Karpenko (Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine): […]

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