Conference Women and their Body Program 17.03.2023
 17.03 Panel 1

Room O1 224

Panel 2

Room O1 252

Session: Literature and Film Session: Violence
10.00 Female Body and Freedom: Controversy of Life or Social Dilemman in Marko Vovchok’s Narrations

Olga Gomilko

National Acadamy of Sciences of Ukraine

Epistemic anti-female* violence and its consequences for the female* body

Björn Freter

University of London

10.30 Oral Storytelling, the Female Body and Counter-Hegemonic Narrative in Grace Paley’s “Goodbye and Good Luck”

Shira Levy

Ben-Gurion University

Keeping Birthing Bodies Grotesque – Or Resisting Obstretic Violence through Crip Phenomenology

Sara Cohen Shabot

University of Haifa

11.00 Resisting Reproductive Rights Abuses: Womanhood and Motherhood in Contemporary American Short Fiction

Zsuzsanna Lénárt-Muszk

University of Debrecen,​ Hungary

Body as obstacle, nature as unjust, Reconsidering somatophobia in Beauvoir and Firestone

Katja Čičigoj

Institute of Philosophy, Klagenfurt University

11.30 Coffee break Coffee break
11.45 Arca as Demiurge: How she builds her own body

S. Simone Spinelli

University of Lüneburg

Autonomy, Gender Violence and the Burdens of the Oppressed Body

Evina Glantzi

University of Athens

  Session: Politics
12.15 Female body: a site of rebellion

Noemi Fregara

University of Rome


Selective Permeability, Political Affordances and the Gendering of Cities

Matthew Crippen and Xiaoyue Wei

Pusan National University

12.45 Lunch Lunch
Session: Arts and Architecture
14.00 The Progression of 20th Century Dance Norms as a Model of Feminist Sexual Liberation

Tyler D. Farmer

University of California

Beauty practices and Ukrainian women refugees: another double bias

Mariya Shcherbyna

V. Dahl’s East Ukrainian National University / Politecnico di Torino

14.30 The panoptic gaze: Female body and architectural space

Irene Breuer

University of Wuppertal

No one releases anyone’s hand: attacks on Brazilian women reproductive rights during Jair Bolsonaro’s government

Anastasia Guidi Itokazu + Camila Ribeiro Andrade

Federal University of ABC

15.00 Divine and Demonic. A Matter of Power and Femininity

Benedetta Milani

University of Lüneburg

Abortion in the US and birthing people

Madhavi Mohan

Western University

15.30 Coffee break Coffee break
Session: Early Modern Period Session: Sexuality and Prostitution
15.45 On being ‘indisposed’ to study and work or the discourse of the Victorian women’s menstruation

Elżbieta Filipow

University of Warsaw

A Feminist Critique of the Objectification of the Female Body

Aura-Elena Schussler

Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania

16.15 Distractibility: gender perspectives on mental presence starting from Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Austen

Carmen Guarino

Palermo University

The Virgin Thinker. On Women Denying the Sexual Marketplace

Sandra Markewitz

University of Vechta

16.45 “Do women think with their body?” Descartes, Malebranche, Poulain de la Barre

Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin

University Jean Moulin, Lyon III

Dancing With Difference: Transsexual Sadomasochism as a General Economy

Hassan Ali

University of Memphis

17.15 Coffee break Coffee break
17.30 Anne Conway and the Feminine: Between Receptacle and Embodied Thought

Emanuele Costa

Vanderbilt University

Surrogacy, Prostitution, and Women’s Autonomy

Laura Martin

Northwestern University



Evening Event:  18.15 pm, Room E2.122

Feminist Interventions – Experimental Film and the Female Body a short film program curated and introduced by Annette Brauerhoch



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