Master Workshop- 15.03.2023

On March 15th, 2023, we will start our international, hybrid Conference with presentations from Master Students. The Workshop starts at 2.30 pm (CET)


14h30 Welcome/Registration

Room O1 224

14h55 Female Body in Literature: The Vegetarian

Ingrid Mae H. de Jesus

15h20 Writing Travails – On Maternity and Corporality in Hélène Cixous’s Écriture Féminine

Charlotte Bomert

15h45 Coffee break
16h00 Breast Cancer Survivor Narratives and Identity Power

Tara Mastrelli

16h25 Media Photography as a Tool for Objectification

Şilan Dağlar Göç

16h50 The New Sex Wars? Women’s Bodies and the Feminist Polarization regarding Sex Work

Kaja Kröger

17h15 Final Remarks


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