Conference Women and their Body Program 16.03.2023


16. 03 Panel 1

Room O1 224

Panel 2

Room O1 252

9.30 Welcome by Dr. Jil Muller, Prof. Dr. Ruth E. Hagengruber, President of the UN Women Germany Elke Ferner
Welcome (all in the same Room O1 224)
Session: Ancient Period Session: Digital Technologies and Cyborg
10.00 Sappho and the Body in Desire

Chelsea Harry

Southern Connecticut State University

The Reinvention of the human body: Cyborgs, String Figures and new Boundaries

Felix Grewe

Paderborn University

10.30 Leontion and Epicurean Woman Body

Enrico Piergiacomi

Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento

Women’s body and digital technologies: disembodied freedom or reproduction of social hierarchies?

Annalisa Cananzi

University of Bologna

  Session: Contemporary thoughts
11.00 The real body-the imaginative body. Women and their bodies in the ancient Greek drama

George N. Vlahakis

Hellenic Open University

Oblique paths to truth. Myth and bodily elements in Simone Weil, Jeanne Hersch and María Zambrano

Piergiacomo Severini

Università G. d’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara

11.30 Coffee break Coffee break
Session: Medicine  
11.45 Theoretically contended: the female body in 13th-century theology, anthropology, and natural philosophy

Amalia Cerrito

University of Pisa

Mothers matter! Mother(hood) as material-discursive entanglement

Lisa Krall

University of Cologne

12.15 Losing a Part of You? On the Philosophical Relevance of Miscarriage and other Forms of Pregnancy Loss

Amber L. Griffioen

Duke Kunshan University

 “Throwing like a girl”, “spreading like a man”? Body, power, and the sense of being in the right

Henning Nörenberg

University of Rostock

12.45 Lunch Lunch
14.00 Female Reproductive Bodies and the Shift from Risk to Threat Society
Julia SchneiderPaderborn University
The theoretical construction of female embodiment in the early feminist phenomenological framework of Iris Marion Young

Ariadni Polychroniou

University of Athens

  Session: Culture and Religion
14.30 A New Logos for Genos: Approaching a Philosophy of Birth

Stella Villarmea

University of Madrid

The Challenge of Menstrual Shame in South-Asian Cultures: A Phenomenological Study

Gaganjot Kaur

University of Delhi

15.00 Menstrual temporality: Cyclic bodies in a linear world

Sarah Pawlett-Jackson

St Mellitus College


A Comparative Study of Women’s Body as Ritual Containment in African Indigenous Churches and African Indigenous Religion in South-Western Nigeria

Ayegboyin Abimbola

Bowen University Iwo

15.30 Coffee break Coffee break
15.45 The experience of dysmenorrhea

Carlota Serrahima

University of Barcelona

Tenderness towards the body as a cognitive, ethical and aesthetic imperative

Natalia Anna Michna

Jagiellonian University in Kraków

16.15 Been Seen whilst hidden

Ainhoa Rodriguez

University of the Basque Country

The Politics of Embodiment, Intersectionality, and Recognition

Shadi Heidarifar

University of Florida

16.45 Current Neuroimaging Research into Hysteria and its Ambiguous Relation to the Traumatised Female Body

Paula Muhr

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

The Reproduction of Power Imbalances: a holistic, abolitionist approach to social injustice

Susan Stark

Bates College

17.15 Coffee break Coffee break
17.30 The Politics of the Thyroid. Re-Claiming One’s Own Metabolism

Urszula Lisowska

University of Wroclaw

Body as a Miniature of Cosmos: Female Daoist Embodied Thinking

Robin Wang

Loyola Marymount University



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