Dr. Jil Muller in Basel with a talk on Moral Theories of the Renaissance in Bioethics

September, 10th 2024: Lecture held at Institut für Bio- und Medizinethik, Universität Basel

One major moral principle in bioethics should be: Would you accept this decision or treatment for your own illness or life?


Dr. Jil Muller will present her ideas on bioethical issues at the Institut for Bio- und Medizinethik at the University of Basel. In order to offer a novel perspective on bioethical issues, she will analyse existing common theories and principles and compare them to moral and medical writings of the 16th and 17th centuries, focusing on what she terms a “holistic, philosophical anthropology” deployed particularly by female philosophers of this period.




Combining traditional medical approaches and questions around the human body with a modern interrogation was already the objective of her talk at the 25th World Congress of Philosophy, Sapienza University, Rome, on the 7th of August, titled “Women and their Body”.

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