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25 May 2023

New Voices Summer Term 23 Talk Series on Phenomenology and Metaphysics: Randolph Dible

| 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Abstract: Hedwig Conrad-Martius (1888-1966) is gaining recognition as an important representative of early phenomenological realism, but her philosophy transcends that designation. Conrad-Martius’ realism is housed in a reformed classical philosophical universalism, and this becomes especially evident in her late project of universal ontology. Universal ontology is an ontological account of everything—“absolutely everything”—that there is: “[Not only] material, formal and categorical objects, not only real and ideal… not only purely fictitious objects, but… also purely conceptual objects, that is, objects to which nothing actually objective corresponds” (Das Sein, 40). To better appreciate her contribution, I will describe this late project, and contextualize it in terms of her spirituality, her cosmology, and her influences and resonances.

Biography: Randolph Dible is a PhD candidate in philosophy at the New School for Social Research New York. His areas of interest include ontology, metaphysics and spirituality in early phenomenology.

This online talk will be held on Zoom. I hope many of you will be able to join us for an interesting talk and a friendly and engaged discussion!  Please register (no registration fees) here: phenomenology@historyofwomenphilosophers.org


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