Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1979): Herland. New York: Pantheon Books.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1975): Women and Economics. A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. University of California Press
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (2014): The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. München: BookRix.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 1904. The home; its work an influence. New York: McClure, Philips & Co.
Gilman, C. Perkins. 1904. Human work. New York: McClure, Phillips & co..
Harmening, Jessica (2019): Sexuo-economics in Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935). Paderborn: Universitätsbibliothek.
Shaalan, Ban Salah (2020): The Sick Heroine in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The yellow Wallpaper. In: Al-Ustath Journal for Human and Social Sciences 59 (2).
Edelstein, S. 2007. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Yellow Newspaper. Legacy 24(1), 72-92.
Encyclopaedia Britannica: Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Gagnon, Amy (Connecticut History): Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
How Did Eight Translations of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s WOMEN AND ECONOMICS Transmit Feminist Thought across National Boundaries in the Years before World War I?, Documents selected and interpreted by Harriet Feinberg.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
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