Simona Bertolini New Voices Research Profile

My current main interest is the relation between phenomenology and specific fields of research such as ontology, anthropology, ethics, and environmental ethics, with reference to the paradigms proposed (for instance) by Edmund Husserl, Eugen Fink, Roman Ingarden, Nicolai Hartmann, Edith Stein, and Hedwig Conrad-Martius. Main/recent publications: Miron, S. Bertolini (Eds.), Women Phenomenologists: Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Edith Stein, Gerda Walther, “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” (special issue), 2/2021 (forthcoming); Zwei Phasen in der Entwicklung der Untersuchung Hedwig Conrad-Martius‘ zum Sein des Menschen und der Lebewesen, “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology”, 2/2021; Ingarden and the Layered Anthropologies of His Times, in D. Czakon, N.A. Michna, L. Sosnowski (Eds.), Roman Ingarden and His Times, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2020; The Influence of Edith Stein on Ingarden’s Concept of Person and Soul (Controversy over the Existence of the World, § 78), “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology”, 2/2020; La relazione uomo-natura nell’ontologia di Nicolai Hartmann: per un possibile dialogo con l’etica ambientale, ETS, Pisa 2018; Ist der Mensch auch ein Tier? Zwei Antworten der phänomenologischen Tradition, “Studia Phaenomenologica” (Phenomenology of Animality), 119-149; Eugen Fink e il problema del mondo: tra ontologia, idealismo e fenomenologia, Mimesis, Milano 2012.

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