Samantha Matherne New Voices Research Profile

I work primarily on Kant, Post-Kantian philosophy, and aesthetics. Of special interest to me is how Kant and figures in the Post-Kantian tradition conceive of the interrelations between perception, cognition, and aesthetics. I have written Cassirer (2021) for the Routledge Philosophers Series. I am co-authoring the Geography of Taste (OUP) with Dominic McIver Lopes, Mohan Matthen, and Bence Nanay and writing a monograph on Kant’s theory of imagination. As for my work on women in the history of philosophy, I am currently exploring the work of the German phenomenologist, Edith Landmann-Kalischer. I have published one piece on her aesthetics, “Edith Landmann-Kalischer on Aesthetic Demarcation and Normativity,” British Journal of Aesthetics (2020). In addition to working on other articles about her aesthetics, I am editing a translation that Daniel Dahlstrom is doing of three of her early pieces on value theory: “On the Cognitive Value of Aesthetic Judgments: A Comparison Between Sense and Value Judgments” (“Über den Erkenntniswert ästhetischer Urteile: Ein Vergleich zwischen Sinnes- und Werturteilen”) (1905),“On Artistic Truth” (“Über künstlerische Wahrheit”] (1906), and “Philosophy of Values” (“Philosophie der Werte”) (1910). I am also exploring the work of the American philosopher, Ella Lyman Cabot and other women philosophers in the long 19th century working on aesthetics, like Germaine de Staël, Mary Wollstonecraft, Hedwig Dohm, and Vernon Lee.

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