German-Speaking Women in Logic

Research on female logicians is a true desideratum to this day. The historiography has long tended to exclude, marginalize and trivialize women’s contribution on logical issues, problems and developments. There is currently a movement toward correcting this historical bias. The past twenty-five years have seen an explosion of a re-discovering, re-reading and re-forming the logical works of women which enrich our picture of aims and scopes of logic and its history. Our aim is to present a list of German-speaking women logicians in order to make them visible to a broader audience. The list is a work in progress, based on the ‘Erlangen Logic Documentation.’ If you would like to add information or corrections on the list, please contact: andrea.reichenberger[at]


The following presentation would not have been possible without the preliminary and groundbreaking work of the ‘Erlangen Logic Documentation’ which was part of the DFG project Case Studies Towards the Establishment of a Social History of Logic (1985–1989) under Prof. Christian Thiel, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Research on the history of formal logic was stored in a database containing short biographical sketches and information on further biographical material, including obituaries, correspondence and bibliographies, and a portrait (photo) collection. Almost 2000 logicians are listed in the collection, among them 60 female logicians from twelve countries, and sixteen entries to German-speaking women. Pioneering work in this field has been carried out by Christian Thiel, Karin Beiküfner, Michael Sperl, and Volker Peckhaus. Their works were published as ‘Arbeitsberichte’ within the DFG-project. Beiküfner’s work was later continued by Adelheid Hamacher-Hermes in the RWTH-funded project Women in Logic at the Beginning of the 20th Century in Germany at the University of Aachen (1994-1996). We would like to thank Volker Peckhaus and Adelheid-Hamacher-Hermes very much for giving us insight into their documentations.


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