Olympia Fulvia Morata

*1526 (Ferrara)

†Oktober 26, 1555 (Heidelberg)

Italian-German philosopher

Her talent was evident at an early age, when at only three years old she could recite the works of Cicero in Latin. Her father encouraged her interest in classical studies, and she attained a perfect mastery of Latin and Greek at the age of twelve, as well as an extensive knowledge of the liberal arts. Morata was hailed as a child prodigy and received a first-rate education at the court of Ferrara under Princess Renée, where she was appointed companion and study partner to Princess Anna.

During her time at court, Morata translated important works such as novellas from Boccaccio’s “Decamerone” and wrote prefaces to her lectures on Cicero’s “Paradoxa Stoicorum”. She was a follower of the Platonic dialogue and wrote several dialogues dealing with religious themes and her personal faith. Her philosophical views emphasized harmony between Christian faith and classical teachings. She established herself as the intellectual center of the Ferrara court and founded a philosophical circle that studied Cicero’s works in depth.

Her attachment to Calvinism and her convictions regarding the Protestant faith led her to become a dedicated defender and fighter for the Reformation as the persecution of Protestants in Italy increased. However, the threat of the Counter-Reformation forced her to leave the court of Ferrara. As a result, she fled religious persecution with her husband Andreas Grundier and her brother Emilio and found refuge in her husband’s native Germany. Despite the loss of many of her works and writings, Morata’s legacy remains as one of the most important female representatives of German humanism in the 16th century. Her work and intellectual contributions were published in Basel in 1570 under the title “Olympiae Fulviae Moratae Foeminae Doctissimae ac plane Divinae Orationes, Dialogi, Epistolae, Carmina, tarn Latina quam Graeca.”


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