Betty Heimann

Betty Heimann

*January 16, 1885 (Hamburg, Germany)
†April 17, 1926

  • Biography

    Studied in Munich with Pfänder and Geiger and in Göttingen with Husserl and Reinach. She also heard courses tought by Neokantians Wilhelm Windelband and Emil Lask. Dissertation on Hegel at the Universiy of Strasbourg, 1916.

  • Primary Sources

    1916 Hegels ästhetische Anschauungen (Dissertation)

    1924 Über den Geschmack, Berlin: De Gruyter.

    1929 Die Freundschaft in Schleiermachers Leben und Lehre, Halle/Saale: Max Niemeyer.

  • Secondary Sources
  • Online Sources
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