Gregoria de Jesus

Gregoria de Jesus

*October 14, 1906 (Hanover, Germany)
†December 4, 1975 (New York, United States)


Gregoria de Jesús, often hailed as the “Mother of the Katipunan,” was a remarkable Filipino revolutionary figure whose courage and dedication played a significant role in shaping the course of Philippine history during the late 19th century.

Born on May 9, 1875, in Kalookan (now Caloocan) City, Philippines, Gregoria de Jesús grew up in a period marked by Spanish colonial rule, which deeply influenced her worldview and fueled her desire for freedom and independence for her homeland.

Gregoria’s life took a pivotal turn when she met Andres Bonifacio, the founder of the Katipunan, a secret revolutionary society aimed at liberating the Philippines from Spanish oppression. Gregoria joined the Katipunan and quickly emerged as a prominent figure within the movement. Gregoria’s role within the Katipunan extended beyond mere participation. She actively contributed to the cause, offering her home as a meeting place and a safe haven for fellow revolutionaries. Her intelligence, resourcefulness, and unwavering commitment earned her the respect and admiration of her peers, who affectionately referred to her as “Ka Oriang,” a nod to her pseudonym within the organization.

After the Philippine-American War and the eventual colonization of the Philippines by the United States, Gregoria continued to advocate for Filipino rights and remained an active participant in the struggle for independence. She lived to witness the eventual granting of Philippine independence in 1946, albeit posthumously, having passed away on March 15, 1943.

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