My primary research interests are moral philosophy, philosophy of education and pre-college philosophy education. In moral philosophy, I seek to understand the nature of civility, communication and concepts and their role in supporting and improving human relations. For my understand of civility, communication and concepts, I mostly draw upon women philosophers, such as Cora Diamond, Iris Murdoch and Simone Weil. In philosophy of education, I am interested in studying and retrieving Romanticism for its potential to deepen our sense of human formation. For my understanding of Romanticism, I draw upon philosophy, drama, literature and poetrty. In pre-college philosophy education, I focus on the scholarly writings of the early founders of the movement, including Matthew Lipman, Ann Margaret Sharp (Routledge, 2018) and Gareth B. Matthews (Routledge, 2022).
Personal Website: Megan Laverty | Faculty Profile | Teachers College, Columbia University
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