World Day of Philosophy

As part of today’s World Day of Philosophy, the Center for the History of Women Philosophers wants to acknowledge the long-lasting tradition of Women Philosophers.

“Philosophinnen gab es in allen Epochen, zu allen Zeiten. Dass diese Philosophinnen nicht Teil des Kanons sind, nie integriert worden [sind], sind die
Relikte von Gewaltgeschichten.” – Ruth Edith Hagengruber
“Women philosophers have existed in all eras, at all times. That these women philosophers are not part of the canon, have never been integrated [are] the relics of violent history.” – Ruth Edith Hagengruber


Indeed, Women have been forced to live in a misogynist culture of violence and exclusion. But it is the voices of Women Philosophers especially who rise up against war and violence. The love concept becomes crucial for the tradition of Women Philosophers.

“Wenn wir die europäische Tradition angucken, gibt es bestimmte intellektuelle Errungenschaften, auf denen die europäischen Ideen basieren, die im Grunde von Frauen entwickelt wurden.” – Ruth Edith Hagengruber
If we look at the European tradition there are certain intellectual achievements on which European ideas are based that were basically developed by women.” – Ruth Edith Hagengruber


This is why we have to rethink our European heritage. There is a European tradition of Women Philosophers who question the weak and contradicting philosophies presented by their male contemporaries. Only if we bring in the Women’s ideas, we get a true and deeper understanding of the history of philosophy.


“Die Philosophinnen und das Wissen der Frauen nicht einzugliedern, das ist, wie ich zu sagen pflege, als hätte Newton nur jeden zweiten Planeten vermessen und dann versucht, die richtige Dynamik zu berechnen. Es ist einfach falsch. Es geht nicht. Die Frauen denken, die Frauen haben Ideen und deshalb sind diese Frauen ein Teil des Kanons.” – Ruth Edith Hagengruber
Not incorporating women philosophers and women’s knowledge is, as I like to say, like Newton just measured every other planet and then tried to calculate the right dynamics. It’s just wrong. It doesn’t work. Women think, women have ideas, and therefore these women are part of the canon.” – Ruth Edith Hagengruber


Deutschlandfunk Kultur dedicates today’s program to Women Philosophers. We are happy to announce that Ruth Edith Hagengruber, Director of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers, presents the History of Women Philosophers in a contribution by Catherine Newmark ‘Eine andere Geschichte der Philosophie. Das gelehrte Frauenzimmer‘. The audio will air today, 17 November 2022, 7.30 pm (CET).



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