A history in half.

We need the legacy of women philosophers.



“Paralleling the desire for genetic immortality by means of procreation, Diotima expounds on a more elevated and personal form of immortality that is possible for the soul through creativity in the noumenal realm. Love, the offspring of Plenty and Poverty, is said to serve as a bridge between the divine and the mortal realms.”

ECC. Immortality in Diotima of Mantinea (ca. 440 B.C.E.) by Sandra a. Wawrytko (2019)






Today, for the International Women’s Rights Day, we celebrate one of the first and most famous women philosopher of antiquity, Diotima of Mantinea. She was born ca. 440 BCE, was a Greek priestess and the teacher of Socrates. In a conversation about the meaning of love, she teaches Socrates about the true Eros.

The Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists tries to give a voice to all intellectual women, through a whole playlist dedicated to Diotima: “Conversations with Diotima.” In this series researchers share their knowledge and thoughts on particular women philosophers in a conversational exchange with one another.

The Conference Women and their body will also dedicate a session to the Ancient Period on the 16th of March:

Chelsea Harry, Sappho and the Body in Desire (10.00); Enrico Piergiacomi, Leontion and Epicurean Woman Body (10.30); and George N. Vlahakis, The real body-the imaginative body. Women and their bodies in the ancient Greek drama (11.00).

Please join us in celebrating Women’s History Month and join the Conference (online places still available): https://indico.uni-paderborn.de/event/21/


Interest aroused? More information about Diotima and many other female philosophers and scientists can be found in our Directory. It gives an overview of women philosophers and scientists from approx. 2300 BCE to the 21st century. Currently, there are more than 280 names of women philosophers listed and the entries will be periodically updated with biographical information and sources for further research.

Feel free to follow us on social media for regular updates: Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

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