Voices of Ukraine Conference 2022 on YouTube

In 2022 we hosted the conference Voices from Ukraine: History of Women Philosophers and Scientists in the Situation of War  in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko, Director of the Center for Gender Studies at Kharkiv National Medical University in Ukraine.

The purpose of the conference “Voices from Ukraine: History of Women Philosophers and Scientists in the Situation of War”, on the one hand, is to support and continue scientific cooperation with the Center for Gender Education of Kharkiv National Medical University, and on the other hand, to create a scientific platform for the exchange of thoughts on the life trajectories of women scientists in war and their prospects.

Here are all the talks on our YouTube Channel:

Prof. Dr. Nellya Filyanina on Nature and Woman: Landscape of War.

Ecofeminism and the Ethics of Care by Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko, Director of the Center for Gender Studies at Kharkiv National Medical University in Ukraine.

Prof. Dr. Olena Strelnyk on Displaced Women-Scholars: From the Old Precarious Position to the New One?

Tatiana Perga on Perspectives of Environmental History Research in the Context of War.

Existential Dimensions of War by Iryna Utiuzh

Olena V. Zaytseva on Impact of Traditional Values and Realities of Modern War on Ukrainian Women.

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