Topics of the New Voices Conference: Early Modern & Modern

As mentioned yesterday, we have a broad spectrum of topics at the New Voices Conference. Today we want to introduce you to Early Modern & Modern. They are the fourth and fifth Zoom room of our conference.

The Early Modern Zoom Room will cover talks on Mary Astell, Anne Conway, Mary Shepherd, Emilie du Chatelet and  Lucrezia Marinella. This section will discuss several talks on Anne Conway and Emilie du Chatelet in this section. 

In the fifth Zoom room, the talks will deal with women philosophers from modern philosophy. You will hear presentations on Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht, Mary Wollstonecraft, Germaine de Stael, Katharina von Günderrode, Nataliya Kobrynska, Jenny d’Hericourt, as well as topics like objectification, agnotology and epistemic oppression. 

If these topics interest you, you can now register for the New Voices Conference at until Thursday 24.02,  8pm 

More information can be found here:

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