Preview of the Timeline on Gerda Walther
In 1917 Stein gave a seminar “Introduction into phenomenology“ (ESGA 6, XVI) in which she explained and discussed Husserl’s ideas of phenomenology. Walther attended Stein’s seminar in summer 1917 and learnd more about his phenomenology in Freiburg. In the same year, Stein wrote in a letter to Roman Ingarden the following:
‚Es sind einige vielversprechende Leute da, vor allem Herr Clauss, von dem ich etwas auf sprachphilosophischem Gebiet erwarte, und Frl. Walther, die aus München kam und im Anschluss an Pfänder über Phänomenologie der Gesellschaft arbeiten will.‘ (ESGA 4, 64)
If you would like to learn more about the lives, works and contacts of the three early phenomenologists Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Edith Stein, and Gerda Walther, take a look at our Timeline, it will be available soon!
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