The New Conference Explorer: VivaMente and Summer School in Pisa

This year is all about philosophising about the Body, Body Awareness, Embodiment and Medical understandings.

If the conference Women and their body and especially the session Medicine has aroused your interest, then you will certainly also be interested in the two Events that we will announce today. Take a look at the program and join us. Exciting lectures await you.


From 22nd to 23rd May 2023 will take place the VivaMente Conference Fertility, Medicine and the Body, Theory and Practice across the Premodern World, in Pisa.

This Vivamente Conference, organised by Catherine Rider and Sarah Toulalan, addresses a broad spectrum of issues to do with fertility (and infertility), with a particular focus on the transmission of ideas between Europe, the Islamicate world, and beyond. To this end, it will bring together scholars working on different regions and cultures.

If you wish to send your contribution or register please visit:…/fertility-medicine…/





From 11th to 14th July 2023 will take place Hybrid Summer School Intensity and the Grades of Nature. Heat, Colour, and Sound in the Ordering of Premodern Cosmos 1200-1600, in Pisa.

Summer School Themes:
– The Scala Naturae in Pre-Modern Cosmology and Theology
– Grading Size: the “maximum” and “minimum naturale”
– Grading Heat: from Temperament to Temperature
– Grading Colour: Art, Science, and Politics of Shades
– Grading Sound: Chori Spezzati and the Dynamics of Piano and Forte
– Grading the Powers of Drugs in Pre-Modern Pharmacopeia
– Grading Purity and Impurity in Alchemical Preparations
– Visualising Intensity: Diagrams of Latitude and Uroscopy Wheels
– Certainty and Uncertainty in Leonardo da Vinci’s Optics (M. Kemp)
– The Renaissance Colour Palette: Mixing Pigments (G.M. Weston)
– Finding the ‘Latitude of the Pulse’ with Santorio’s Pulsilogium (F. Bigotti)
– Embodied Latitudes in Contemporary Art Practice (L. Karshan)
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