Summer Series: Women and Their Body Conference – Politics

We are sadly coming to an end of uploading all our talks from the Women and Their Body Conference. We hope you enjoyed going through our sessions with us! It is important to us to upload these talks in order to shed light on the miserable conditions women have to endure. We are closing our summer series with the session on Politics.

Selective Permeability, Political Affordances and The Gendering of Cities by Matthew Crippen & Xiaoyue Wei

Matthew Crippen focuses on history, embodied cognitive science, and cross-cultural value theory informed by one another and orbiting ecological concerns. A recipient of awards, he has about publications, plus a Columbia University Press book. Outside the academy, he has worked as a musician, mandolin and guitar instructor, and gymnastics coach.

Xiaoyue Wei focuses on public policy, urban affairs, computational analysis, and gender equality. She has partnered with Matthew Crippen on several research projects examining how ecosocial spaces selectively ammit people according to various demographic factors. She has been admitted to the University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy.


Beauty Practices and Ukrainian Women Refugees: Another Double Bias by Mariya Shcherbyna

Mariya Shcherbyna is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Management and Production Engineering, and member of Gender research Group, at the Politecnico di Torino, in Italy, and Associate Professor, at the Department of Philosophy, Culture studies and Information Activities, at V. Dahl’s East Ukrainian National University, in Ukraine. Her main research interests are gender studies, human rights,

womantory/herstory, antidiscrimination in schooltextbooks and educational content, myth and stereotypes in everyday life. Her main projects now deal with 1) ideal STEM Academic model – gender aspect of archetypes, 2) Women of Politecnico (research on the first women of the university in order to organize an online and offline art and teaching project) this project aims to present the women’s history of the Polytechnico by telling the stories of the university’s first women scientists, researchers, and teachers. These stories do not stand alone but are placed in the context of a global history of women’s rights and achievements. To bring to life the “hidden history” – the history of women’s experiences, discoveries, developments, and scientific results, so that our understanding of the past and present gives us role models and strength to move into the future 3) the obscenity in Ukrainian women in the context of Russia’s full-fledged invasion of Ukraine and 4)
narratives of women-scholars displaced from Ukraine.

No one releases anyone’s Hand: Attacks on Brazilian Women Reproductive Rights during Jair Bolsonaro’s Government by Anastasia Guidi Itokazu & Camila Ribeiro Andrade

Anastasia Guidi Itokazu is Philosophy Professor at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), in Brazil and she is a Member of UFABC’s Gender Studies Group “Esperança Garcia” and of NEXOS – Critical Theory and Interdisciplinary Research.

Camila Ribeiro Andrade is an undergraduate student in Natural and Exact Sciences Teaching at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), in Brazil, and a member of the UFABC’s Gender Studies Group “Esperança Garcia” and of the Mothers and Fathers of UFABC Organization.



Abortion in the US and birthing people by Madhavi Mohan

  Madhavi Mohan is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Western Ontario, where she is pursuing research interests in feminist philosophy, animal ethics, and philosophy of language. Her forthcoming paper, titled “WOMAN: An Essentially Contested Concept,” published in Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, explores how we should understand the meaning of the term “woman.”



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