Summer Series Women and Their Body Conference – Medicine Part 1

Theoretically contended: the female body in 13th-century theology, anthropology, and natural philosophy by Amalia Cerrito

Amalia Cerrito is an Associate Member of the Center for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance, Pisa, and a “Cultore della Materia” in History of Medieval Philosophy and Medieval Philosophy and Theology at the University of Pisa. She obtained her Ph.D. in History of Philosophy at the University of Pisa and the University of Florence (2021). She has published on the interaction between natural
philosophy and biblical exegesis in Albert the Great and commentary techniques in his De vegetabilibus et plantis. Her recent publications are devoted to the theoretical background of the 13th century’s natural philosophy and the influence of Neoplatonism on medieval zoology, botany, and embryology. In 2022, her doctoral dissertation was awarded a Santorio Award for Excellence in Research, and it will be published in July 2023 in a monography titled “Albert the Great (c. 1193-1280) and the Configuration of the Embryo. Virtus Formativa” (Springer, Palgrave Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine book series). Currently, her research focuses on medieval theories of genetic inheritance in medical, philosophical, and theological discussions between 12th and 14th century.

Losing a Part of You? On the Philosophical Relevance of Miscarriage and other Forms of Pregnancy Loss by Amber L. Griffioen

Amber Griffioen is Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy at Duke Kunshan University. Her research interests include topics in philosophy of religion, ethics, social philosophy, the history of philosophy, and philosophy of sport. She is currently working on a book
for Bloomsbury Press aimed at broadening the borders of analytic philosophy of religion, and her co-edited volume, Pluralizing Philosophy’s Past, will be appearing with Palgrave-Springer in the next few months. She has recently published two papers on the philosophical theology of pregnancy loss and is working on the development of a new interdisciplinary project on the metaphysics and theology of pregnancy in light of pregnancy loss.


Female Reproductive Bodies and the Shift from Risk to Threat Society by Julia Schneider

Julia Schneider is a PhD student and a research assistant for Prof. Tönnies at the University of Paderborn. Her doctoral research centres on female liminal bodies in dystopian young adult fiction. She completed her master’s degree in English and American Studies at the University of Paderborn in 2018. Among her key research areas are contemporary young adult fiction and 19th-century Gothic fiction. She is the author of the articles “Birth without a Woman: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in the Context of Eighteenth-Century Ideas on Birth, Motherhood and
Midwifery”, which was published in the series ‘anglistik & englischunterricht’ (Winter Verlag) in 2020 and “Performing Utopia? The Contestation of Dystopian Space in Cecelia Ahern’s Flawed-Series”, which was published in the series Contemporary Drama in English Studies, (De Gruyter) in 2022.

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