Summer Series: Women and Their Body Conference: Literature & Film

Female Body and Freedom: Controversy of Life or Social Dilemman in Marko Vovchok’s Narrations by Olga Gomilko

Olga Gomilko is a Doctor of Philosophy, a Professor, Leading Researcher of H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy (Department of Philosophy of Culture, Ethics, Aesthetics) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Her research arears are social/political philosophy, philosophy of education, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture, and environmental philosophy. The key subject of her research is the human body in its philosophical implications. She published the book “Metaphysics of the Human body”, and more than 160 articles. She
teaches at Kyiv Mohula National University (Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies), and Ukrainain State Dragomanov University (Department of Social Philosophy and Philosophy of Education). Her teaching courses are “Social (Political) Philosophy”, “Ontology of the Human Body”, “Philosophy of Music”, “Animal Philosophy”. She is Fulbright Scholar (Pennsylvania State University,1998-1999). #


Oral Storytelling, The Female Body and Counter-Hegemonic Narrative in Grace Paley’s “Goodbye and Good Luck” by Shira Levy

Shira Levy is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, currently completing her dissertation on storytelling and queer temporality in Grace Paley’s poetry and prose. She also works as a translator and editor for various literary projects and has acted as deputy editor of the Hebrew edition of Granta Magazine.





Arca as Demiurge: How she builds her own body by S. Simone Spinelli

S. Simone Spinelli is an Italian transgender woman, who has been living and working for five years in Hamburg, Germany. She studied Philosophy in Italy (Università della Calabria), where she graduated with a thesis about the concepts of prohibition and transgression in moral philosophy. In 2016, she moved to Hamburg and continued her research at the University of Hamburg, graduating in 2019 with a
thesis about Arnold Gehlen and his theory of art. Since December 2020 she is Ph.D. candidate at the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg; her work is about Georges Bataille and the relevance of his philosophy (and in particular his idea of transgression) for the contemporary debate on body, gender and sexuality.



Female body: A Site of Rebellion by Noemi Fregara

Noemi Fregara graduated in Modern, Postcolonial and Comparative Literatures at the University of Bologna with full marks with a degree thesis regarding the representation of plants and animals in Wisława Szymborska’s works from a posthuman perspective. She is now attending a PhD in Polish and English Literature at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with a thesis about a comparative analysis between two novels, that are Drive your Plow over the Bones of the Dead (2009) by Olga Tokarczuk and Under the Skin (2000) by Michel Faber.

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