Summer Series: Women and Their Body Conference – Early Modern Period

We continue to upload the talks from the Women and Their Body Conference! This week we share the the videos from the Early Modern Period Session with you. We hope you enjoy these talks from Elzbieta Filipow, Emanuele Costa and Carmen Guarino.

Elżbieta Filipow (she) – is an ethicist, theoretic of feminism, journalist and translator. Researcher in the Department of Ethics at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw, working on the project entitled ‘The place of equality in John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism’ financed by the National Science Center. Scholarship awardee of The De Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation for the research project entitled ‘The Social Perception of Women in the Victorian Era and Morality Based on (Un)justice.’ At the Conference ‘Women and their Body’ she presents the results of her research conducted in the British Library in London 2022 in the framework of the scholarship awarded by The De Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation.



Emanuele Costa is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. He focuses on the History of Philosophy and Metaphysics, especially on the Early Modern period and on figures such as Spinoza, Elizabeth of Bohemia, Leibniz, and Anne Conway. In metaphysics, he is particularly interested in mereology and theory of relations.





Carmen Guarino is a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies at Palermo University, and researcher with the center HER – She Loves Data. Her main doctoral research focus regards distractibility. Her research interests cover the eco-tech-gender area spanning from aesthetics, literary and media studies to anthropology, medical and environmental humanities.


Find all Sessions and Talks here.

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