Summer Series: Women and Their Body Conference – Ancient Period

We continue to upload the talks from the Women and Their Body Conference! This week we share the the videos from the Ancient Period Session with you. We hope you enjoy these talks from Chelsea Harry, Enrico Piergiacomi and George N. Vlahakis.

Sappho and the Body in Desire by Chelsea Harry

Chelsea C. Harry, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Assistant Chairperson at Southern Connecticut State University (USA). She is a philosopher of nature with historical specialties in ancient Greek and late 18th-19th Century German thought whose research interests include: Aristotle, temporality, ancient science, Schelling, non-human animal flourishing, Schelling, classical reception, Sappho, and contemporary problems, e.g. sustainability and the environment. She is the author of Chronos in Aristotle’s Physics: on the Nature of Time (Springer 2015), and the co-editor (with J. Habash) of Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Presocratic Natural Philosophy in Later Classical Thought (Brill 2021). She has published numerous articles and book chapters in her areas of research, in addition to a journal special issue on Schelling and the Environment (Environment, Space, Place, 2022). Dr. Harry is the founder and director of Philosophy in the Schools New Haven, a community outreach project in public philosophy, and the Associate Editor of Metaphilosophy. Forthcoming work includes a monograph on Aristotle and non-human animal wellbeing, an edited collection (with G. Vlahakis) for the Springer series Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences, and three book chapters on Sappho.


Leontion and Epicurean Woman Body by Enrico Piergiacomi

Enrico Piergiacomi is assistant professor in history of philosophy at the Technion | Israel Institute of Technology and visiting researcher at the Center for Religious Sciences of the Bruno Kessler Foundation of Trento. He was recipient of the international grant The
Reception of Lucretius and Roman Epicureanism from the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth century (2019-2020) and fellow at Villa I Tatti | The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (2021-2022), where he carried on the project The Pleasures of Piety. The History of a
Neglected Religious Tradition. He specializes in ancient/modern theological thought and its moral implications. He published two books: Storia delle antiche teologie atomiste (Sapienza Editrice, Rome 2017) and Amicus Lucretius. Gassendi, il “De rerum natura” e l’edonismo cristiano (De Gruyter, Berlin-New York 2022).



The real body-the imaginative body. Women and their bodies in the ancient Greek
drama by George N. Vlahakis

George N. Vlahakis is an associate professor of History of Science and Philosophy, School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University. He is Director of the M.Sc. Program “Science Communication” and of the M.A. Program “Philosophy and the Αrts”. He is member of
several academic societies and organizations. He is President of the Commission for Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST, Secretary of the History of Physics Group/European Physical Society and Correspondent member of the International Academy of the History of Sciences. He has published a large number of papers and books in English and Greek and has organized and participated in many national and international Conferences.


Find all Sessions and Talks here.

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