St Petersburg Manuscripts are now online!

The Center presents the First Digital and the First Historical-Critical Edition of Émilie Du Châtelet's Early Works.

This project is a cooperation between the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University (HWPS) and the National Library of Russia/Российская национальная библиотека, St. Petersburg (NLR). The aim is to realize an online edition of the Du Châtelet manuscripts preserved in the Voltaire Collection of that library (NLR/BV). Read more about the project here or have a look at our event here.

In a collaborative project, the National Library of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia, the  Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, France and the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Germany, present the first digital and the first critical edition of the Émilie Du Châtelet manuscripts.  A special focus of the center lies in exploring the writings of philosopher, mathematician and physicist Émilie Du Châtelet. Newton and Leibniz defined the controversy of her era. Du Châtelet integrated both perspectives and created a new path in philosophy. Her philosophy of nature was immediately translated into German in 1743. Kant wrote his first dissertation on her ideas and was influenced by her throughout his life.


Celebrating Émilie Du Châtelet’s Birthday with the presentation of the Saint Petersburg Manuscripts

Thursday, 17 December 2020 at 3.15-3.45 pm MEZ, the online edition is publicly presented for the first time by Ruth Hagengruber with Andrew Brown, Ulla Kölving and Natalia Speranskaja.

Join us here on Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 927 3506 1945

Code: 969296

At 4 pm, the Birthday Party continues with Clara Carus (University of Paderborn, Center for the History of Women Philosophers) and Andrew Janiak (Duke University, Project Vox, US) (same link).

Join in!

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