Research Colloquium: “History of Women Philosophers”

Program for the Summer Semester 2017

This research colloquium at the Center is aimed at PhD candidates. It is also a forum for international students and scholars of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists. Here you find the program for the summer semester 2017.

April 25th, 4-7pm: Workshop Women Intellectuals in 18th Century Germany

Dr. Corey W. Dyck (Western Ontario)
Of Minds and Medicine: The Women Intellectuals of Halle

Bernhard Ritter (Klagenfurt)

Solace or Counsel for Death: Kant and Maria von Herbert

May 23rd, 4-6pm

Dr. Eleonora Cappuccilli (Bologna)

The Political Theology of Mary Astell

June 27th, 4-6pm

Ruggero Sciuto (Oxford)
Emilie Du Châtelet and the Three Leibnizian Versions of the Principle of Sufficient Reason

July 4th, 4-6pm

Prof. Dr. Karen Green (Melbourne)

Catharine Macaulay, Brissot de Warville, and the History of England in the French Revolution

July 11th, 4-7pm: Workshop: Anthropology and Metaphysics in the Munich and Freiburg Circles

Dr. Rodney Parker (Paderborn)
Stein’s Second Conversion. From Realism to Idealism

Dr. Henning Peucker (Paderborn)
Metaphysische Elemente in Husserls später Ethik

Prof. Dr. Wolfhart Henckmann (München)
Schelers Anthropologie des Weibes


For further information please contact ana.rodrigues(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de .


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