R.E. Hagengruber’s Review on Charles T. Wolfe (2020) Lire le matérialisme

[Charles T. Wolfe’s] various essays—on materialism in historical perspective, materialism and dreams, the status of the brain, and embodiment—bring together an important idea of Wolfe’s, namely the possibility of a kind of a priori access to materialism, which he pursues by tracing the possibility of active and vital materialism from the 18th century to the present neo-materialists. Though, according to him, the right question from the start might be: Are we the heirs of Enlightenment materialism?

– Ruth E. Hagengruber




See Ruth E. Hagengruber’s review on Charles T. Wolfe’s Book Lire le matérialisme (2020). You can find Hagengruber’s review, published in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews in 2023, here.



Hagengruber, Ruth Edith. “Review: Charles T. Wolfe, Lire le matérialisme.” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2023.

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