R.E. Hagengruber ‘The Forgotten Half of History’ in De Gruyter Conversations

See Ruth E. Hagengruber‘s recently published blog post on ‘The Forgotten Half of History: Why Women Philosophers Matter‘ for De Gruyter Conversations, published at De Gruyter!

‘Throughout history, women thinkers and their ideas have been intentionally erased from public memory. There is even a mistaken belief that women’s cultural history doesn’t exist at all. Today it’s more important than ever before to debunk this patriarchal narrative and put women philosophers in the spotlight again.’ – Ruth E. Hagengruber


The blog post is part of the De Gruyter series on Women’s History Month. Ruth E. Hagengruber is chief editor of the Women Philosophers Heritage Collection, a comprehensive and significant selection of writings from women in the history of philosophy and science since antiquity, at De Gruyter.

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